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⁣A Lesson On Hypergamy - MGTOW

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Publicado en 09 Jun 2022 / En Personas y blogs

⁣A Lesson On Hypergamy - MGTOW

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profhugodegaris 2 años hace

thanks to men, women have a life expectancy of 85 years, so have a career window of half a century, so masculists put enormous moral pressure on women to get off their fat parasitic arses and FIP up (FIP = financially independent person) by getting career competent educations, so that they are FIPs as adults, and not expect, fluffie style, (fluffie = a traditional woman who expects to parasite off the labor and money of a man) to manslave a man for decades of his life. Women are busy with small kids only for a few years of their lives, but once they are off to kindergarten and school, she has time on her hands, so MUST work, or be seen by the masculists as a hated manslaver. Manslavery is the greatest of all gender crimes, and the most hated (along with divorce rape, and forced fatherhood) by the masculists, who, effectively, exterminate fluffies, by totally ignoring them, not even pumping and dumping them, forcing them to rot on the shelf, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless and spat at, viciously rejected both socially and sexually by masculists, who in time will be most men. Now that women CAN work, they MUST work, or be cast out by very angry, hateful masculists. We men have the financial power, so women have to adapt to men. A fluffie can only be a fluffie, if she can get her financial claws into some gullible, ignorant, stupid, manslavable man, but thanks to the MGTOWs and masculists, the supply of such men is rapidly drying up, as men liberate themselves from fluffiedom, seeing it as manslavery, and hence hated. If a feminazi tells you how men oppress women, bite her fucking head off with a masculist harangue, telling her about manslavery, divorce rape and forced fatherhood. Give her a taste of masculist testosteroned male hatred at women's massive, decades lasting, gender crimes against men.

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