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There are no forests on earth! (English dubbed)

20 vistas
Publicado en 29 Jul 2023 / En Cine y Animación

READ BEFORE COMMENTING! This channel does NOT agree 100% with everything said in this video such as what nukes are. The narrator did a live read from the original video and narrated word for word keeping the creators exact narration. We are fully aware if you do a 360 you are right back where you started from. Everyone is aware there are large areas of trees that we call forests however they do not compare to what forests really were. For more information on this hypothesis please visit

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amongallothers 10 meses hace

What a God awful video. Everything from the narration, to the music, to the presentation all suck so much.

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sbseed 10 meses hace

the only silica 'trees' that could exist would be from crystalline formation in caves and other sediment type of depositories...
both wiki and this nutbar are complete wrong in how these rock pillars are formed...
hexagon shaped pillars are shaped that way by extrusion, nuttier than a squirrel turd..

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sbseed 10 meses hace

no, you do not need some catastrophic even to prettify a animal or plant, that is not how that works...
the stupid is strong with this one..., bodies or organics cannot 'magicaly' become petrified, the organics are replaced by sediments that seep into the void or become part of the organic and is replaced like liquid clay being sucked into a reed...

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sbseed 10 meses hace

since when is the grand canyon a quarry?
it was never commercially mined...
and why would anyone with a single braincell believe anything on wiki????

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sbseed 10 meses hace

'forests that are lost'???
is this one of those treehugger idiots...

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