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What's It Like To Live On Earth In Warhammer 40K?

Published on 25 May 2024 / In Gaming

What is Earth like in the lore of Warhammer 40,000? is Holy Terra, heart of the imperium of mankind, and the planet from which the god emperor rules over humanity, the best or worst place to live? What is it actually like for the regular civilians that live here? that's right this isn't going to be a video about Space Marines, necrons, orks or the gods of chaos, nothing like that. we are going to get to the bottom of what it's really like existing in the most overpopulated planet in the entirety of the Milky way. and speaking of that population, just how many people actually live on terror in the 41st and 42nd millennia? some estimates claim that quadrillions of people live here but is that even possible? well we're going to get to the bottom of that in a whole lot more.

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