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The Ultimate Full Body Warm Up (no equipment)

23 المشاهدات
نشرت في 19 Mar 2020 / في الناس والمدونات

⁣To see the full warm up in text check below!

Hip Mobility e-Course:

In this video we cover my favorite warm up to prepare your body top to bottom for any workout. No equipment is needed, but if available you can add it in where you see fit.

You can also combine this warm up with some of the moves I covered in both the upper body shoulder and lower body hip warm up videos.

General Warm Up
- 20 Jumping jacks
- 10 Forward Leg Swings -

10 Side Leg Swings (per side)
- 20 Mt. Climbers
- 20 Bicycle Crunches
- 20 Lateral Hops


- 5 Plank-Lunge-Rotations
- 5 Forward / Backwards Circles
- 10 Side to Side Swings (adduction + Adduction)
- 10 Donkey Kicks
- 10 Lateral Raises / Fire hydrants

- 5 Sit Ups
- 5 Hip Lifts
- 5 Side Hip Dips (per side)
- 5 Thread the Needle (per side)
- 10 Wall Slides
- 10 Chain Breakers
- 10 Circles Forward + Backwards
- 10 Plank Scapula Retraction / Protraction
- 10 Plank Shoulder Taps

Lower Warmup
- 10 Reverse Lunge w/ Reach
- 10 Toe Squats
- 5/5/5 Squats - Overhead Squats - Jumping Squats

- 30s Static Runners (Right)
- 30s Static Runners (Left)

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