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Red pill vs MGTOW - Redpills original meaning destroyed for intentional division

Published on 11 Jul 2020 / In Non-profits & Activism

Adressing what i see as a fabrication of division purely through egotistical needs and wants

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

anyone needing a label to identify themselves or to pick on ............ losers. TRP is the learning of TRUE female nature...mgtow is just the philosophy of making yourself the best you can be......... without outside validation. Their is no mutual ties

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 4 years ago

Ty for you input. I believe slightly different. I believe they are related by proxy. Understand most red pillers are not red pilled and they are abusing it

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Councilof1 4 years ago

To me Redpill is a term used to denote an uncomfortable or hidden truth. It can be applied to many ideas. For example feminine nature, rule of the elites, etc. It's a strange thing that most people would rather have a comfortable lie than an uncomfortable truth.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 4 years ago

im on the same wavelength. that means accountability and trauma. Most people are not built too endure the trauma truth brings. I can get with that. I am a BIG matrix fan of the first film. so the RED PILL is actually something im nostalgic too. It is a shame to see men abuse the truth for selfish gain

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Mademyownway 4 years ago

This guys has been around for years sucking men for their money. I called him out a long time ago for his BS. There were guys like this a few years ago and men started calling them on their BS.
Keep up the good fight.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 4 years ago

i like RPOS is term, the "bullshit mindset" I have a very good insight and personal experience with redpilled PUA'S. when that dont work they go new age. I do plan to write a script out as i feel this perticular topic VERY important for mens psychological health. especially them looking for a male role model.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 4 years ago

@RougeAxis: I agree with you too a very large point but there comes the scenario - if they don't want to read. Then there here for the wrong reason. The reason i say this is because i am a visual learner for the large part. I have had to tolerate reading to the point i am okay with it because its all about reading. How ever it still should be both visual and audio. I may do a video on PUA eventually but right now i am moving onto to other things more important as i feel PUA'S, life coaches and Gurus have already been exposed. MGTOW and Redpill have exploded so much it has drowned them all out but maybe thats just my perception i don't know. I think with these global lockdowns Introspection, self development by your own self is very important. To be humble and truthfull with yourself.Myabe i could use PUA'S and incels as the opposite example. At the moment most my material is going to be escapism and off grid/getting out of the system along with my progress on getting 5G shutdown. Thanks for the comment

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Councilof1 4 years ago

Divide and conquer is the favorite tactic of the elites because it rarely fails. It's much better for them if we fight each other instead of them.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 4 years ago

This should be a religious mantra!

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