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Recognizing the "MODERN WOMAN" for what it is. TOO much baggage.

81 vistas
Publicado en 29 Apr 2024 / En Entretenimiento

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Jaygo 29 días hace

If you were to strip away every single thing in that studio, created, invented, built and maintained by men, those whores would be ass naked, with no make up in an open field, or a forest since there's no men to cut the trees to clear the lot. In other words. Those bitches would have absolutely nothing to show for themselves since they left their mother's wombs. They'd be as broke, helpless and naked as a new born baby, except with stretch marks, wrinkles and cellulite.

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Jaygo 29 días hace

These old washed up post wall hoes are abominable

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Jaygo 29 días hace

The ONLY thing that will stop simps from simping is Force.. anything other than that is just a waste of time. They will continue to perpetuate the degeneracy in our society until they are forced to stop by harsh consequences. Trying anything other than that will be no different than trying to shame a guiltless, amoral whore to stop selling herself by telling her how morally wrong it is. So, if these Simps want to fight to the death to keep simping, i say so be it. Because either way it goes. someone will die. either simps will, or the whole of society, and everyone with it if they're not stopped.

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 1 mes hace

On that faux-pastor:
Matt 10
[17] As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” [18] “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone.

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