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Desperate Women Are Looking For Husbands in Coffee Shops & Grocery Stores

Published on 09 Jun 2024 / In Film & Animation

As women get MORE DELUDED than ever, they say they want to find a husband or a MAN in a coffee Shop or a stoire or whatever, Then one of them say's Sghe wants a MAN or husband but she want's one to BANG HER, one to do something else and another to do WTF sher want's in this deluded rather childish fuck wit mind of her's! lol! Then they all wonder why they cant find a good masculine MAN. Well Slut's when a MAN walks it is for a reason and that reson if more likely to be YOU and you pathetic sorry ASS attitude's. If I wanted a child to look after I'd get a job working in a Kindergarten NOT in a Coffee Shop! lol! Why don't you go fuck you CAT's and dink plenty od Box Wine when you won't have to bother yourr PICKLED PUSSY about MEN, you are just a hinderance to most of us Guy's anyway, and that's not to mention a liability as well! lol!

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Whoa... she runs into men with the honey do lists? Lol!

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They tell on themselves.....

"Out shopping for the worlds most gorgeous man - at the hardware store etc.".

AND - they are cheap, superficial, lazy, selfish, stupid..... etc..

Invest ANY time or effort into DEVELOPING a relationship based upon INTEGRITY, INTELLIGENCE and CHARACTER?


Offer to help him run his life / home / business / hobbies / projects?


Make him sandwiches, buy supplies, run errands?


Just a cunt with cake up wasting his time with her shit?


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saaralgris 2 months ago

Women's interest in men will never be genuine. It will always be conditional and contingent upon some external factor (provisions, attention, etc.)

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

It's not society or society, but it's the Satanic Jews-- the Cathedral that is destroying us with propaganda because we Men of the West already destroyed their world domination plans via World War 1 + 2, The Cold War, and all that Middle Eastern bullshit wars...

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

No, they don't see 80% to 90% of men...

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