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Mecca under water! Flash floods, hail and rainstorms hit Jeddah, Medina Today

Published on 04 Jan 2023 / In News & Politics

Mecca under water! Flash floods, hail and rainstorms hit Jeddah, Medina Today

An air storm linked to rain in Makkah Al-Mukarramah caused the glass facade of the administrative and financial affairs building in the Makkah Al-Mukarramah education district in the Al-Aziziya district to fall, according to Al-Watan. A circulating video clip documents the fall of an umbrella at the Scout Training Center, next to the Makkah Al-Mukarramah Education Office, due to strong winds and a tornado, yesterday, Monday. Heavy rain fall on the city of Jeddah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as a clip broadcast by the official Al-Ekhbariya channel today Monday showed scenes of flooding.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

DDAaaammnnn! Talk about a Biblical Flood, this is like 0.1! My grandfather used to be a mechanic on an amphibious assault "duck." This is why I think we should make some into RVs: They were used for troop deployment say like the beaches of Normandy during the Great War Part 2! These guys don't need trucks! They need barges!!

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KEEPER 1 year ago

I don't think it's biblical just yet, though it is pretty damn crazy I will admit. Biblical is a wave that an entire land mass and brings up sand from the depths of the ocean and covers that landmass and creates a Sahara Desert and engulfs Egypt into sand. I mean that's the only thing that could explain the sand in that location, not to mention the buried buildings and Villages they have found, and the fact of the matter of various sea creatures being found in the sand suggests a massive wave hold them into the land. Try to picture what Egypt and that entire region of the landscape possibly looked like before the sand, not only that look at the Historical documents of the area which suggest the area was full of life of all kinds of animals streams and rivers, all to be buried under sand. The biblical flood was far more powerful than what we've seen. Although I guess this could be semi-biblical in proportions, but this is only a taste.

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sauger1001 1 year ago

Someone is reminding the people that there is Someone Who controls the weather.

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KEEPER 1 year ago

@sauger1001: well we already know that the powers that be want to reduce the world's population, and there are so many ways you can reduce the world's population, by the way you may agree or disagree with this, but the mgtow existence is just another form to reduce the world's population, I had to eventually come to this conclusion when I chose this path, but at the same time I still think this path especially with how the world has changed, that it's still the best path based off of the laws of the land and how screwed up culture has become, so I'm not necessarily against going our own way, it's just that I understand that we were kind of sent this way even though in some ways we have made the choice, I know a lot of incel communities use that argument, and they're not necessarily 100% right but they're not 100% wrong either. But anyway that's just one of the many many things that's going to kill people in order to get this one world government by 2030. For these storms to happen they want to make you believe it's all climate change, but in reality they have been trying to control the weather for a very long time with that program called HAARP which they have locations All Around the World in order to manipulate the weather, for years they've been dumping this kind of metallic substance within an aerosol spray that came out of planes and nobody knew what this stuff was, I think in many ways it's something that's meant to help manipulate the clouds and the weather, but I also think that the chemicals and metals that they have used are also not good for other aspects of the environment, they've taken people that test soil samples of where these chemtrails started showing up, and there's a lot of toxic crap inside of these aerosol sprays which also suggests that it could also manipulate growth in the soil to be restrictive of growing certain foods, and if you think about it they don't want people to grow their own food, because starvation is another way of reducing the world's population. Once you understand how these people think, there are so many methods and directions you can look into and see what's actually going on without believing the b******* they tell you. But it takes a lot of research and a lot of time and a lot of watching and listening and paying attention, all the things that Humanity doesn't want to do. Sorry if there are any typos in my sentence, I am not typing this, I am using my cell phone and speaking into my phone, and it's probably quite long, so there's probably a lot of mistakes, sorry about this.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

@KEEPER: it's fine bro. and you're correct. They are using extra cellular towers in Commiefornia to incr3ease radiation and cause cancers in kids. They truly ar3e evil and man-hating.

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