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HUGE: Justin Trudeau Is Getting SUED For Invoking The Emergencies Act!

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Veröffentlicht auf 22 Feb 2022 / Im Nachrichten & Politik


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GenerationLESS 2 Jahre vor

What Trudope deserves is a rope around the neck, a short drop, with a sudden stop. Where is all the outrage we and the world had for China during the Tienanmen Square protest? We have no problem invading other counties for regime change against other tyrants. I pray for the true Canadian people.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 Jahre vor

We can't have dictators like Sadam who could keep his country prosperous. We can't have a dictator like Kadafi who had his people happy and thriving, and had his country growing economically. By the way, those dictators were also in control of vast natural resources and ready to leave the current dominant economical system behind. Of course we can't allow that. Fidel Trudeau is a buddy, he does exactly what he's told by his masters, just as the macron variant. He is such a good boy, we're proud of him.

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GenerationLESS 2 Jahre vor

@The Man Inside: Yep. Sadam and Mo said we're gonna sell our oil for Euros instead of dollars, and that was that.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 Jahre vor

@Generationless: Kadafi wanted gold. There's a speech of him where he warns about what we're living. We warned his Arab neighbours, or whatever the alliance they have, but it was a warning to the world.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 Jahre vor

@InfiniteMushroom: Absolutely. They have already asked us, us = Europeans, for help in the past, it was their own doing, fuck them, when China gets total control over them, which it will, then they'll see what it means to be a colony. Fuck them. I had an uncle who fought in Africa, and he was a damaged man. If I ever had an example of masculinity, he was it, but he was fucked up upstairs by what he saw and did. Wish he was alive today, he was always good to me.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 Jahre vor

@InfiniteMushroom: I was not talking about WWII.

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