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646 Masculism Will Make Women Datable Again (Masculism, MGTOW)

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yayınlandı 22 Nov 2023 / İçinde Kâr amacı gütmeyenler & Aktivizm

de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers

Flyer No. 646
Title : Masculism Will Make Women Datable Again
Text URL :
Book : MASCULISM, Mens Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 640+ Masculist Flyers for Mens Studies Courses; by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis, (freely downloadable, in MS Word format, from)
Descr : One of the truly shocking stats to come out of the manosphere lately, is that over 60% of young men in the US refuse to date women. This flyer explains why the rise of masculism will cause women to become more datable again, by forcing women to become more biconscious, to lose their PC fairyland arrogance, taught to them by feminists that women are as capable as men. Masculist scientists show women that women cannot compete with men at the top end of the performance scale, thus making young women humbler, and grateful to men, for all that men do for society. As women lose their monoconscious feminazi bitchiness and become less arrogant, by becoming biconscious, after having learnt some masculism, they will be seen to be nicer by young men, who will then be more willing to date these women again.

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Lucifer333 6 ay önce

I love the basic linear algebra bullshit in the blackboard, but why?

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profhugodegaris 6 ay önce

Because I have two post retirement careers, 1. masculist theorist, 2. Teaching courses in Pure Math and Math Physics at Ms and PhD levels.

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Lucifer333 6 ay önce

@profhugodegaris: Looks more like freshmen level,...anyways.... I love the FIPS acronym, .... no MTOW cannot solve anything, ... I have learned if people hurt enough they can change, but not sure how far simps are from the "change"

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profhugodegaris 6 ay önce

@Lucifer333: Yes, linear algebra is an undergrad course, but so important that it needs to be taught to understand the higher stuff, that will come later, if I live long enough. I'm already 76.

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Lucifer333 6 ay önce

@profhugodegaris: you look good, and math keeps the brain nimble, I am thinking of starting an online school teaching undergrad/grad statistics. If you say "datascience" I will slap you with a rainbow trout))

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