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601-650 de Garis Masculist MGT... - profhugodegaris

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613 Masculists Can Use Women's Higher Conformity and Agreeableness to Men's Advantage (Masculism,

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Publicado em 14 Apr 2023 / Em ONGs & Ativismo

de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers

Flyer No. 613
Title : Masculists Can Use Womens Higher Conformity and Agreeableness to Mens Advantage
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Book : MASCULISM, Mens Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 610+ Masculist Flyers for Mens Studies Courses; by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis, (freely downloadable, in MS Word format, from)
Descr : This flyer makes the claim, that once there are millions of masculists, they will create enough female masculists, so that female conformity pressure can then kick in, causing women to convert women to female masculism, more effectively than men can. When there are millions of masculists, millions of their monoconscious feminist girlfriends will be more readily converted to biconscious female masculism, due to womens higher level of agreeableness, i.e. not wanting ideological confrontation with their masculist boyfriends. Masculists need to take advantage of these two female tendencies, to create enough female masculists, that they help men in the menfairing of the gender laws, thus liberating billions of men.

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