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Published on 22 Apr 2021 / In Science & Technology

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Bagoodman 3 years ago

Are you kidding WTF Just grab her ankle give a jerk let her head bounce off the car and take her away. FUCK !

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Doggk 3 years ago

They can't it's staged.. The cameras are there it's like a show.. Just to make propaganda on Tesla.. The CCP is behind everyone so everyone will do what they asked..

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Bagoodman 3 years ago

@Doggk: Heck I should have thought of that ..Lol 8>)_

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hqwebsite 3 years ago

I find it interesting that the show organizer 'allow' this 'circus act' to go on long enough. The security was almost non functional and those men in suits were even trying to 'negotiate' with her to come down. Suspicious. Speaking of that the Chinese has always viewed the West in a 'slanted' way.

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Doggk 3 years ago

The West stole their inventions and many things.. that's why China doesn't like the West that much and copies everything from the west..

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hqwebsite 3 years ago

@Doggk: The gunpowder technology was introduced to the West through Mongol conquest. Even before that, there was a trade route call 'The Silk Road'. Western and Eastern scholars and explorers has exchanged knowledge for centuries. Both sides had their golden ages.

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

@Doggk: Can you show any indication of that or show me examples? Some of the most brilliant inventions of all time come from the western world. Can you show me some examples where the west stole chinese inventions? Typically there are so many proven cases of the chinese stealing or reverse engineering western tech. Eastern philosophy is very different than the US and the concept of Intellectual Property is not a virtue in China.

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Doggk 3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: It's maybe a stupid example but it's a fact, they stole the noodles with Marco Polo and later called it Spaghetti, many many other things, like machines or technics of productions.. I don't know how much and everything in details but it happened not a long time ago.. Europeans stole so much stuff from many other countries during history, all arround the world.. It's undeniable.. The wealth the West has today is mainly due to theft and superiority over the whole world.. That's it.. But the West doesnt look itself in mirror and tries to justify what they have done in the past by bringing "so called modern civilization" in these parts of the world.. Unfortunately it's still happening today.. Take a look to Africa and the middle east.. The West is extracting tons and tons of minerals in Africa, they create chaos in the middle east in order to exploit the resources there like in Afghanistan with the Opium for the pharmaceutical industries and the illegal drugs market.. That's a big part why China takes its revenge today..

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

@Doggk: The west IS the modern world. The western world and its creations is what has brought civilization to this world. Please don't conflate taking resources with invention and creation, the past was a time of conquest, it was kill or be killed, and there were periods of time where it could have gone the other way easily, you cannot judge the morality of ancient history using the modern paradigm. A lot of the resources taken from around the world were of no use to the areas they were taken from, the people there couldn't even conceive of the value. In the situation of conquest, to the victor goes the spoils. In recent history, I think the west has lost its way, but I'm still struggling to understand what major inventions were stolen by the west. The inventions that have provided us with civilization almost completely came from the western mind. China has no justifiable cause to hate the west and most Chinese don't. The theft, spying, and hate is coming from the CCP and I find it despicable you are trying to argue for justification for theft of intellectual property. I feel sorry for your shameful view of the west which has done far more good than evil in the world, in fact we are currently facing our own doom at this point due to being too giving. China is not "justified" in taking revenge on the west, it is a power struggle, not that one side is right or wrong but I would prefer to live in the west rather than china. People vote with their feet and I don't see china having a migrant crisis haha. I agree with you that the west should stop meddling in the middle east, but right now it is the chinese that are becoming more and more involved in a neo-colonial africa.

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Doggk 3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I think you misunderstood why I said that China is taking revenge.. The CCP is 100% to blame and I'm agree with that point.. Sometimes they push it too far especially these last years.. I'm trying to have a neutral view about everyone involved thats it.. Everyone has done good things and bad things that's how things work.. What I find sad is that you say that many things almost completely came from the western mind.. Which is false.. You forget the fact that many major inventions the changed our world and shaped it like it is today.. But a lot comes from also many other parts of the world.. The West used a lot of external intelectual ressources and added it to theirs... They took it over or shaped it in a better way and shared it later with the world.. In fact every continent learned or took something from each other and did the same.. The west has done also many horrible things to get where they are... And they still do.. The west uses spies, theft and hate too against many other countries.. What the west is doing to Russia, african, or many ex soviet contries, south american (Venezuela), arab countries is shameful too, China with their minorities like the Uyghurs and even its own population.. same thing it's a shame... The West helped China devlopping itself by investing in it, because of the crisis there was there at the moment but it wasn't without gaining something in return from China.. So the west who funded and still funds China is also to blame.. What I tried to explain is simply how the CCP thinks and why they take their revenge on the west.. It's a true part of history that they use in their propaganda to become the 1st power.. Yup China is also to blame for their neo colonialism in africa.. They understood that the west lied a lot about africa in order to keep the pie for themselves, so china which has to possibility to invest in africa wants their part too.. My view on the west is absolutely not shameful but sadly realistic.. The west has also a great propaganda machine which is undeniable which blinds their people from the realities in other parts of the world... The winner writes his version of history huh ^^

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

@Doggk: no it is not false that almost all of the inventions that have propelled the modern world were invented by the western mind. Do I need to make a list? Can you point out a major invention by another culture, not noodles? please just a few inventions or scientific advancements that I can consider instead of making broad vague statements. Why does china have to copy the west if they are so good at inventing things?

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Doggk 3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: The numbers which are originally from the arabs.. Many medecine technics from china, africa, etc.. Slaves in the US discovered many things but because they were not considered as citizens at that time, the master which was white gained the title.. I'm not an encyclopedia lol but I know that many many things were invented in many other parts of the world .. You just gave me a good idea for a future video ^^ China copies the West to simply replace it and show the world that it is a better version of what the west has originally done..

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

@Doggk: Man I'm not just trying to argue pointlessly and give you a hard time but you are really reaching with this stuff and once again you are giving generalizations. I understand that there are others that have come up with minor advances and ideas that were stolen, but the major technological advances in history are almost exclusively attributed to Europeans/westerners. I enjoy your videos but I don't think you give the west the credit it deserves in the realm of scientific advancement. Do you really believe that china can successfully copy the west and make a "better version"? so far what I have seen is they have created a slightly better version of hell for the average person in china.

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