
Why Women Intentionally Stress Men Out! Same Reason We Call THEM Crazy

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Publicado em 20 Nov 2023 / Em Entretenimento

Why Women Intentionally Stress Men Out! Same Reason We Call THEM Crazy #tiktok #dating #modernwoman

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Stalwart 7 meses atrás

At this point I have a major hair trigger for this stuff, because these are such serious red flags. When the smallest shadow of these signs appear, the door is completely closed and welded shut from my side. The women think they can get away with this stuff, and maybe they can with some fools, but they underestimate that they instantly obliterate their chances with good, serious guys like me. I hide a lot of my advantages and require my character to speak for itself and be values, but secretly I'm doing very well financially, I have an incredible reputation at my work and in my community, I'm monogamous, my mortgage is almost paid off (I could pay it off right now, in fact), and I own an additional prime luxury acreage outright, bought with cash. I know how to take care of things, and I'm highly skilled. I've even been a world-top athlete. There have been countless women I've completely ruled out, often even instantly, based on their red flags. I'm so glad I hide my cards and don't make it easy. Look and stay humble, be discerning, and hold them accountable. As they close doors, rampantly, they don't even seem to comprehend that the wall is coming for them, just around the corner, and they will have alienated all of the good ones like me, who have the qualities they want. Freedom is infinitely better.

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