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When Women Get Scared - MGTOW

Published on 01 Nov 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Randy and he has a lot to say in his story so before I share it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways, now back to the show. Here's what Randy has to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, When I was a kid my female cousin and I were playing behind my uncles farm house and for lack of a better explanation she was mildly retreaded. I was 8 years old and she was five, but certain lessons of rural life are so ingrained in young child's life that they are basic rural life survivor lessons. Anyway a skunk came walking out of the woods and stood well within pistol shooting distance in broad day light. Again you must realize that in these parts of the country parents preach to their children that wild animals are dangerous, you can admire them from a distance, but never get close, and if they come towards you, you must run away. Rabies is one of the reasons for this lesson. Most kids growing up in this rural environment would have seen the danger, but not little miss mildly retarded. I don't say this to be mean. Making matters even worse was the fact that my cousin was obsessed with the movie Snow White where the main character has a pet skunk who follows her around all the time. My cousin was all "why hello mr. Skunk". She like literally thought this skunk was going to follow her around like a cat and be her pet. That this skunk wasn't a wild animal that is was just a special skunk and that it could become domesticated and be our pet. And again I think that life long city dwellers would have a difficult time understanding that even a child as young as my cousin would have been trained that this was a dangerous situation. The skunk stood perfectly still and she was walking towards the skunk and I shout to her to run" She asked me why? I told her "Because he has rabies". When I was that young I did not know sure but I was definitively thinking about the book Old Yeller which was required reading my 2nd grade class. But when I stated it to my cousin I stated like I knew for a fact that the skunk had rabbis, was a 100% positive. This caused my cousin to scream and run away as fast as she could. In hind sight I feel that most rural adults who see an animal exhibit this kind of behavior would think the risk of rabbis is actually super high and therefore advise their kids to get out of that situation. This kind of advice probably dates back hundreds of years well, before there was ever a rabbis vaccine. Part of me believes of the reason Old Yeller became such a prominent classic is because it was used as a training tool to educate children about the dangers of rabbis. A lot of people laugh at games like Far Cry V when skunks and small animals attack you. I laugh too but in the back of my mind I think it could happen. When you are young they don't tell you how certain an animal exhibiting that kind of behavior is infected with rabbis but they just want you to get away from it right freaking now!". When we ran the skunk followed us over to the family fireworks display and wandered around our family elders. Our young minds couldn't comprehend how convinced the adults were of a rabbis case. I still thought I was mostly lying to cousin when I told her the skunk had rabbis. Everybody called for my cousin the young able bodied man of the house (my great uncle was very old at this point) to get one of his guns. He shot at the animal multiple times until dropped. When you shoot an animal because of a suspected rabbis infection, excessive force now becomes the norm and the expectation. This story lead to a necessary red pilling I lied to my cousin to get away from the animal. Before now the lessons I was taught was always that it was inherently wrong to lie. Immediately after this my father was forced to say "well in fact sometimes you have to lie".

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wroger_wroger 4 years ago

I have to deal with many women...... I don't like most of them and most of the dealings with them. Many of them ARE quite stupid.

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wroger_wroger 4 years ago

The racoon had rabies in it's mouth.....

I have demons in my rectum.

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sardonicsmile 4 years ago

Females aren't scared because they live with a false sense of safety/security.
They can struggle for themselves, like a Man, for all I care.

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