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What Is Happening To Korean Women? - MGTOW

Published on 27 Apr 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Roger. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to cover the 4B movement in South Korea which is MGTOW for women and it's leading the country down a path where the fertility rate this year is going to be 0.68 or below one third replacement. 150 elementary schools in the country have zero first grader. The plot from the film children of men is coming true. If the fertility rate continues to fall like this for ten Generations there will only be 250 South Koreans left in the country compared to 51 million people today. Obviously I don't think that's going to happen but it's on that trajectory if this continues for another two to three hundred years. So the 4B or 4 nos movement means no dating or relationships, no sex, no marriage and no children rearing from Korean women. They are done waiting for the men to change their patriarchal ways and don't want to change men. They are just walking away and letting it all burn. They are even more radical than men that go their own way promote the idea of no cohabitation and marriage. The Korean women believe it's the only path werhe they can live autonomously. I'm not going to lie when I was doing research for this video I did come across how women in South Korea were living in a very patriarchal soyciety. I don't really care about the reasons. Only that it exists and that just like the Herbivore man in Japan was a precursor to men going their own way in the west the 4B movement I believe is going to lead to women walking away from men in the west. It sounds crazy that women wouldn't want to take advantage of men in the west by not getting married but I already know at least a dozen women in Canada that are single in their forties and don't need a man. Their careers, fur babies and friendzone simps are all they need. The movement was sparked in 2019 after a book called Kim Jiyoung sparked it. It's fertility rate was already below 1 in 2018 before the movement but now it's dropped an additional 30-40% since then. It's just the dynamite icing on the nuclear warhead. Many women say that is just feminism for men. They couldn't be more wrong. But 4B is for women. I believe the main reason that both males and females are able to walk away from the opposite sex entirely is because of the internet and smart phones. Loneliness would have been unbearable for most people before our digital devices that entertain us and provide dopamine 24 hours a day. We did it guys. We pushed for the idea that men shouldn't marry or date women and I'm guessing that women in Korea probably saw men walking away in the west and now they are playing the part of the female chameleon and walking away in Korea. I'm hearing western women say that they should do the same. If that happens to a significant portion of women then it's conceivable that fertility rates will drop from 1.3 or 1.4 in western countries all the way down to 0.6 or 0.7 like South Korea. I think the only way to have men and women come together and reproduce is if we need to for survival. For most of history children were people's insurance policy. The only way to ensure the survival of the human race is to impoverish a huge chunk of the population by making them poor by losing their jobs thanks to AI and automation. Maybe we are seeing the beginnings of that right now? I'll discuss more about that and South Koreans going extinct in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman:

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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Sebastian_dela_o 50 1 month ago

Hola here are a few pesos re a video I requested. Boycott Mexican Beer y stay strong.

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Look on the bright side at least we’re done too far off away for World War III. Fuck it fuck the world I love being drafted into fighting potential Mut-munchers over sea’s in Taiwan or N****Koreahhgh to protect the fem bags in sus Korea which I pay my empathy to both the Taiwanese people and Korean men under gynocentric susawhahaian occupation and the threat of chiggot invasion. Chinese bitches.

Let’s just get this pain and suffering over with with a press of the nuclear football plain and simple. Because I would rather be canon fighter, then to be canned goods to the spirit cooking elites.

Thank god I have 49 clucking smoke detectors stock piled in my house for them highly radioactive gold that is heavier and more dangerous than enriched plutonium and U-235 combined. I’m illegally using outdated smoke detectors to obtain 661.5 grams of nuclear material. I’m gonna build the most powerful destructive garage built nuclear device to bring about the extinction of humanity, So in regards to depopulation…..SOROS CANNOT HAVE HIS EVIL CAKE AND EAT IT TO.

no civilization also means no deep state which means no more human injustice or oppression at the hands of the dark age NWO that cannot exist without the planet being in one peace literary. Nothing but reduced to a white dwarf that was once earth but now it will be destroyed by an insane doomsday terror device that will prevent the Dreaded thousands years of darkness where people are cooked alive or canned into adrenochrome soup, won’t happen because everything will be okay and we as a civilization won’t have to suffer again at the hands of the cabal Rothschilds ever again.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

We may have already been living the thousand years if darkness... and I am kind of sure the Feds are here monitoring Popp's Grunt Speak and TFM's shows at the least.

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sauger1001 1 month ago

With the exception of the coyotes who brought them, I wonder if most of the "caravan" is here against their will. Migrating isn't easy, especially when you're broke. As a former food service delivery truck driver to Asian (mainly Chinese) restaurants, many of the workers told me they had debts to pay before they could be freed by their "employer". Wouldn't doubt if similar arrangements were made for those out of Latin America, accompanied by many of Middle Eastern descent.

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sauger1001 1 month ago

My point is reproduction won't come that easily with these groups either, especially if they're being exploited by the slave trade and pedo rings. JMO.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

We know Soros had funded some of them to come here and paying to advertise it on the radio and printing brochures...

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zdoctor 1 month ago

the feminist movement is the best thing ever happened to men.........we can now let the planet burn down and watch men live on their own as whaman are unable to do that.. men understand you are unable to live without other men yet whaman think whaman can fix everything which will be the downfall of whaman and society. ... but the elites will not let that happen...YET. ....if we can reproduce children artificially we CERTAINALLY only reproduce men and avoid the headache that whaman provide.....possibly if we delete all whaman from society after artificial wombs are designed then we can live way better then we ever have and let AI deal with mens urges......i believe somehow this is all designed to delete whaman all around. .....look at the numbers......30 percent of whaman are on anti depressants.......whaman are getting arrested for drunk driving 27 percent higher while men drop 7 percent.....there are also staggering numbers on whaman that are self deleting themselves as well as have the highest numbers ever recorded for drug abuse, alcohol abuse, domestic violence ( les women ) . .if whaman realize this they will try to bring men back to the plantation......let them believe that!!!!. .....then if we are invaded those whaman cant complain about being graped by what ever military occupies the country in which THEN they will have would realized how they made errors in judgement.....AGAIN.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

Yeah, but a couple of points... women or rather girls have always suicide themselves... we have cases going back to Victorian Age England and Hell, I believe it was Sigmond Frued? Who made an entire career of women going crazy because of repressed sexuality and their "fantasies " Hell, seeing an ankle back then gave you a boner... just saying.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

Second, we should have a couple "genetic Eves" around just in case of catastrophes or solar EMP fried our circuits and all the freezers go warm killing our uhm DNA and eggs .. unless you add human ova to the ice cap seed banks assuming no polar shifts... and we can do like a Truman Sho reminding men why their obedient sexbot companions are better... Joker had a thumbnail of an OnlyWhores model begging for mobey in the corner as a young dude and his sexbot walked by coming out of a station... subway, train, bus, or airport. It was pretty good...I should probably find a copy.

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Stupid Women - Inspiring - Stupid Women

Let them starve in the streets and be eaten by the dogs.

2 Kings 36 - 37

36 "The dogs shall eat the flesh of Jezebel".

37 "And the carcase of Jezebel shall be as dung upon the face of the field."

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

Jezebel or "Baal's whore" according to Jews or "Baal's Bride" was the famous epitaph as "Woman with the painted face." That alone is the vast majority of women.. add in the seductive nature to drive men to their deaths, now that is a demonic spirit... and uses sex to escape accountability; both are true.

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