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What actually happens when you overfill your motor oil -w transparent oil pan-

Published on 14 Apr 2024 / In Film & Animation


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mrghoster 5 months ago

I'm guessing that if you fill above the dipper the oil cant circulate and the pressure becomes to high in general. the Dipper or oil pick up on the crank is designed to take up just the right amount of oil. Total submerging rather than oiling or spraying oil is what causes the damage I guess? If I ever slightly over fill I will drain the excess, maybe not on an old engine where it's just over the lever, but both my engines are quite new and low mileage.

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I'd use the words, "strongly indicated".... The maximum fill level - is just that. 2 or 3mm over is nothing to shit bricks about... perhaps 5 or 6 mm is getting to be a little too much. BUT 10mm - if the roads were long and flat and it was all day driving and it was really hot... and the engine used a lot of oil... 20mm same... if it was the same engine... but the oil level on rough steep roads... winding up into the crankshaft, because the level is so high... like the vehicle is going up a 30* slope... This is the only area that excessively high amounts of over fill come into their own problems... on the flat lands 5 or 10mm over is nothing to shit bricks about..

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Makin this up - if the manufacturer says the oil system takes 5 liters, then drain the old oil, fill the filter with new oil, tighten up all the plugs and put the remained of the new oil - from the 5 liter container in, and then be damned.. doesn't matter a fuck if you have a spare 1/2 a liter over from another container.. It's putting in an extra 2 or 3 liters that is the bad idea.

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mrghoster 5 months ago

Haven't Visited Garage 54 for a while, this is great stuff thanks for posting as a reminder for me to take a look at the site.

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Admit it... the sight of all that hot golden oil spraying over everything...... Just like Dylan with a make up kit and a new dress.... "Ohh (almost fainting in estacy) I must go visit the master of motors!".....

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