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Warning to Khymani James @Columbia University, Nigga, You have kicked the Honkies Nest,

22 Bekeken
gepubliceerd op 28 Apr 2024 / In Film & Animatie

as a warning to thugs like this fucker who threaten this.
One of the far-left lead student organizers at the @Columbia University encampment for Gaza recorded livestream saying that "Zionists, along with all white supremacists," need to be killed. Khymani James!

My Reply to that racist oreo cookie is simply THIS!!!!! whenever you threaten white people or encourage your violence agianst innocent white people, this is what you get clearly, you racist black supremacist cunt have sparked the two-way-rifle range Or in other words CIVIL WAR 2, because of your actions Khymani James! This is what happens, You thus Forced My Hand In Killing Your BLM/LGBT FAN thus starting a civil war!

RIP BLM CRIMINAL TRANS @Leshai marcartney for chalinging me........

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