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Viral Couple On Tiktok Get Freaky. Cringey AF Or Are We Just Bitter?

79 المشاهدات
نشرت في 14 Sep 2023 / في وسائل الترفيه

Viral Couple On Tiktok Get Freaky. Cringey AF Or Are We Just Bitter? #dating #life #alcohol

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Jaygo منذ 9 الشهور

I mean. I guess it's cute to them that they have that bond,, but in front of others is just creepy.. It's like if you tell people, your bond with your gf/bf is soo strong that you make sure to, at the least, make out once a day. Telling that to people, they would probably think it's cute. But actually doing it in front of people, would turn it from cute to creepy and cringe.

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Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack منذ 9 الشهور

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This is definitely a "practice relationship". She is older, he is younger. I looks as if he has become childish and is supporting "Mommy's" need for attention.

BTW, it also looks like a giant Chihuahua humping her back... quite ridiculous really.

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Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack منذ 9 الشهور

Somebody get the spray bottle, teach the little dog, "The Hand of God" does not approve this "Back-Jacking"...

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usr6874038614 منذ 9 الشهور

What is inappropriate nowadays. This is a bit childish, true, but I do not have to watch it. If I should get upset from all the stupid things people do, there would be no time left for living my life.
Asian gal : she should not create tiktok videos when PMS-ing
"If you are victimized by this" : dear lord, you mean the entire world has to take care of your feelings? The entire planet, isn't that a bit extremely narcissistic?
Ah ok, I see what you mean now : you need someone to create a safe space around you where nothing will upset you. It is called a "kitchen" nowadays. It is what men provide, but the condition is that you can only leave that space after obtaining permission. Your choice...

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