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VIDEO: While TSA Gropes Americans, USA Border Wide Open

Published on 07 Mar 2024 / In Entertainment

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VIDEO: While TSA Gropes Americans, USA Border Wide Open

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Toki 2 months ago

Yeah I never go anywhere in public because of the police state. Camera surveillance. I live in a prison regardless of being a convict/criminal or innocent tax slave.
For example why would I want to take my money and support a local restaurant if they are spying on me like creeps? Take the damn cameras down. I wouldn't want to go to any sports event or concert either for the same reason. Paying them to be watched like a prisoner with no privacy. If they want to record me on camera they should pay me a fortune for doing something I don't consent for. I hope they have fun filming empty restaurants and stadiums in the future when no one can afford anything.
Of course all of this surveillance tech is made in China as well. No jobs created and then they wonder why people start stealing stuff everywhere. Meanwhile cameras aren't stopping the massive global theft of the people called taxation and inflation/profit margins for corporate boardrooms. The real grand thieves. Also people don't want to work anywhere because employers are filming people like zoo animals/slaves. Then a BLM person steals weave from a store and isn't held accountable anyways. What's the point of the cameras? Half of American women would be in prison for theft by now.

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