
VertigoPolitix - Hitlers Coup / The German War Against Globalism

80 Vues
Publié le 11 Sep 2022 / Dans Divertissement

Adolph Hitler was the ORIGINAL anti globalist.

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Heavyhand 2 années depuis

I hear all the good things about national Socialism but I hear none of the bad.

It does give me a pause for concern.

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sauger1001 2 années depuis

In spite of their seemingly most noble attempts, the One Way that would work for everyone has yet to be adopted on a worldwide scale, though It's Existence has been known, yet ridiculed by those who constantly seek control of the populace. I look forward to that Day when it will be implemented. More out of necessity, since all of man's ways will have been exhausted by then, and the "influencer" of those ways thankfully, will be gone.

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While the scumbag jews think they control everything, so they lie about everything, so do the Hitlerites, and the new age Nazis.

If they told the truth - then I would listen to them.

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