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Totally Supported - Brazil - Killing the Thieves and Murderers

Published on 02 Aug 2022 / In Film & Animation

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If you look very very carefully - it's not in all frames of all videos, but the riders running the bike and the passenger, is holding out their arm, pointing a gun at the car driver..... Telling them to come to a stop etc... and the car drivers are then taking the initiative ===> "Kerr-Runch" and the car drivers run them over / ram them.

And you will often see the passenger, drop the pistol...

Just gotta watch real careful.

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BigBrianUK 2 years ago

what's the context of the last one! All the others you could see a crime being committed before, but the last one just seemed like straight up murder!

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Yes brian, sometimes Gods mysteries unfold before us in ways we might not always understand.

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mgtowisfreedom2 2 years ago

I think you need to re watch it you seem Robb those people. Then jump back on there bike only to be deal with

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sauger1001 2 years ago

The Federales aren't going to like that their jail cells are empty, but the morgue is filling up.

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soloswords2019 2 years ago

I had to watch this five times! I'm sick of seeing evil win!

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Yeah I only have a concern about paying for all the damage as they and the motorbike go under the car.... however as a spur of the moment solution - it's a good thing. AND the great thing about these arseholes robbing all these people, is that one out of every X amounts of cars, is going to be driven by someone who has been robbed like this and they go, "Flip Out" and just flick the steering wheel and they floor it.... The more people these cunts rob, the more they will have enemies riding along behing them...

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Shrike777 2 years ago

Nice to see the tables turned.

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Julian6669 2 years ago

fab fuck this to family court judges and alienating cunt mothers to fathers...................except the film 7 deadly sins would be more fitting keeping them alive in absolute hell for there existence. severe pain just enough to survive and enough metal torture too. yeap i hate these kind of people and believe it if i could get away with it but cant i fucking would. and that goes for anyone and everyone that remotely likes the un uk. england especially!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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