
This does happen a lot

15 Vues
Publié le 26 Dec 2023 / Dans Film et animation

Happened to a buddy of mine. Right away his lawyer said plea deal and be placed on the offender register after doing 5 yrs. He bought from a govt liquidation site. Upon the raid the police took out all the drives from the lot of computers hiding them from discovery. What they want men to do is plea out after violating and lying to obtain a warrant this guy does not even drink smoke or look at porn most strait lined guy you would ever have meet after this it changed him into really not trusting people they tarnished his name because after the raid they said he had over 100k images and irony has it the guy had dial up. I question these peoples motives because he owns land and police see that as assett fortiture after stealing guns silver and ammo. The govt auction company when he called asking for all the power cables which only came with one he told them yes the laptops came with hard drives in tact they threatened him with the fbi this system of government is crooked

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