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The World of Preparedness

Published on 04 Jun 2023 / In Film & Animation

If prepping is new to you take a look at this. Prtepping is often thought of as havinfg an arsenal and ammo stashed in every shed, or hoarding food enough to last a decade and so on? Well it is far easier than that, Most prepping starts with a STOIC mindset and NOT hoarding. I was a boy Scout and before that a Cub Scout, I learned to be prepared early in life before any of the stuff going on or assumed to be going on today. Have you noticed very little of what they threaten us all with actually comes to fruition? Thay is because they ARE only Threats of Fear mungering, because if even 1% of what they threaten was to take place it would destroy these Psychopaths as well as us. Sioo it ain't gonna happen or is very unlikely to happen. Just have one eye and an ear on the ball and have a prep ready to counter act anything. The best Prepping psychologically takes place when YOU use this broken System to YOUR advcantage, I do it daily and always come out on top. THEY are restricted as much by LAW as we are, just look at Covid, the UK government even said last month that in their opinion Covid NEVER happened. Not exactly an appo;logy for the lives they TOOK and RUINED.

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