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The War Against Masculine Men - MGTOW

Published on 23 Sep 2022 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from The Fast Hat and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman! I’ll call you Sandperson not to offend anyone. I worked as a dishwasher at a restaurant and a few waitresses made a joke when bringing back a hot soup kettle to me. They would say “this is hot like you.” One day a woman manager came back to the dish area carrying a hot pan and said “This is hot.” And then I said “and the pan” insinuating that I just called her hot. She had a bad restrained reaction to it and told waitresses that she just got hit on. The waitresses looked concerned and I even got a dirty look. The waitresses could say and do anything to me but if I made the same jokes I was seen as creepy. Not to mention one of the waiters hooks up with all the waitresses. Oh well. I’m a janitor now at a college that I graduated from and all the student workers treat me like a criminal. My soul is dead. I love you Sandperson! Sincerely, TheFastHat. Well Fast Hat thanks for the donation and for sharing your story. The manager you joked with decided to destroy your reputation just because. She probably understood it was a joke and that if you really were interested you would have made a move before. With female own group preference took her side of the story and labelled you a creep because she's the boss and you were not. If this were the 1950s and you said something like that in a restaurant no one would care. But because of the current year women are allowed to get away with making sexist jokes to men but men aren't allowed to make them towards women. Masculinity from men is offensive and not to be forgiven. But masculity from women is hip and sporty. I fear that our culture is quickly falling prey to the pussification of men. Men have to go back in time to find their heroes. Recently I was on Twitter and Boomer Bitcoin Billionaire Max Keiser was wondering why the film Tombstone was so popular with Val Kilmer stealing the show as Doc Holiday? Arguably the film is more popular today than it was almost thirty years ago. That's Partially because of it's badass quotable lines but also because it has something that modern films lack. Male role models with masculinty. That was around the time equality with women and political correctness was coming in to full force. There's a cut scene from the film where the love interest for Doc Holiday, Big Nosed Kate tells Doc to be careful because if he dies she won't know what to do. He responds by saying something like that's too bad for you toots. Basically making fun of her future pain and suffering. The sad state of Hollywood affairs is partially to blame for it but also the people that are being promoted as influencers these days like Obese Ethan Klein, Critical and guys I discovered the other day named Nick Is Not Green and Pinely. Men like them are being promoted as the ideal. Physically weak, non threatening and somewhat passive as well as being on board with the progressive agenda. Fast Hat you didn't match those criteria so now you're the janitor cleaning the disgusting mess in the women's washroom. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Profit Specialist Group:

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

Yeah, Alex Jonesing AJ worked so well: They had to create three or more bogus illegal Unconstitutional suits against him; and like a good cockroach, AJ is still here!! He is a huge fucking thorn in the Cathedral's side. Tate was an added relief. It will be fun to watch them fail as they Alex Jones Tate and fail!

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Max_Dominate 2 years ago

@2:24 - The cut season from the movie Tombstone goes something like this: Big nose Kate says, "What will happen to me if something happens to you." Doc responds, "I guess you'll be without a meal ticket, then he rode off on his horse."

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Max_Dominate 2 years ago

I remember something similar happening immediately as soon as political correctness began in 1995. Women would arrive in a workplace, get attention by being raunchy and thereby training others as to the language with which they are comfortable., then feign victimhood if anyone responded similarly. Looking back on it, women began acting as they do now as if they were pre-programmed to do so. Naturally, the cucks & simps would immediately punish any man involved and just "#believe all women";. I remember observing from a a reasonable distance and realizing that no part of any story utter by any female was questioned or interrogated to make sure that it was true and a hyperbole. My take away well before "#MeToo"; and "#TimesUp" and "#lean in" was that women has just found another entity to falsely accuse and "divorce rape";. Furthermore, I decided in the late 1990s that it was extremely important to avoid women and work on cultivating myself. Nearly thirty years later, we now have a wonderful vocabulary and set of foundational concepts that help men understand the horrible environment . I thank the manosphere for all of that work as now instead of having anecdotal reasons for being a mgtow monk, I now that there is an axiomatic argument to be made for "avoiding women" and preserving one' s dignity and sovereignty above all else.

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NeoGeoGamer 2 years ago

Have nothing to do with women if it can be helped. If it can't be helped, be all-business. Have witnesses, document your interactions, etc. If there were such a thing as insurance for women ruining your life, I'd buy a policy without hesitation.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

They had suck insurance policies. The Cathedral had them erased and started going after men afterward.

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Bagoodman 2 years ago

Gentleman - This needs to be viewed ----> ---> Copy paste and share this !

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