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The Pastor's Wife...

41 Bekeken
gepubliceerd op 31 Aug 2023 / In vermaak

Lifted from: Real Body Cams

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Drums_McBashington 9 maanden geleden  

The Pastor's wife, starring in: "Jesus Take The Wheel!!!".
He did not.
Also: screaming 'I can't breathe' at the top of your lungs, is not as convincing as you think, madame.

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 9 maanden geleden

At 1:54 when she starts getting really mouthy, she also starts sounding really drunk.... LOL

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saaralgris 9 maanden geleden

But she's post traumatic stress!

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Drums_McBashington 9 maanden geleden

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Speed wobble.

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 9 maanden geleden

@Drums_McBashington: Yeah I meet a lot of women like that who join AA, talk the cliches, clap their hands and tell everyone else how wonderful they are, drink 5 cups of coffee, and put 20c in the basket... and after a few months they just disappear.... Half Truths and Partial Lies.

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WMHarrison94 9 maanden geleden

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: well, they probably went home to Hell...

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mrghoster 9 maanden geleden

If her Pastor Husband did beat her up (unlikely)? I have to wonder - WHY? What possible reason would he have? Probably he isn't the one wearing the trousers in their Church! lol!

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WMHarrison94 9 maanden geleden

Well yeah, he wears the robes, where you can hide little people from your wife...

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mrghoster 9 maanden geleden

I notice how quick once in the station it turned into trying to appease a 5 year old who doesn't cooperate. Women will push and push against every logical way you try to give them an inch then they WILL take the mile. It should all be as quick as a hangman, so fast that they don't get a chance to react. I say Hangman because it's a myth of this walking down a corridor with the priest say prayers and all that shit. I've visited many historic places including prison's and I'll tell you this the gallows is behind a door next to the Condemned Cell of ten behind a wardrobe or panel. they come in Grab the hands, put a bag over the head and they are dangling in seconds. I think the English Hangman Albert Peirrpoint had the quickest drop in recorded history? It was less than 10 seconds or so from Cell to gallows and that piss running down the leg. Just a fctoid or two nothing to do with the vid mind you! lol! This women like them all should have been dragged from the car the moment she fire up, Cuffed Gagged and in the car before her entitle drunked small brain could know what had happened. I'm no fan of the UK police since Covid but I have to admire these cop's for their patience.

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Drums_McBashington 9 maanden geleden

It's an impressive time, he probably enjoyed his work. Their patience is admirable but also part of the problem. The whole system mollycoddles the females to the point of pointlessness. Might as well just never arrest them in the first place. The western governments don't apply the 'equality' they preach, they just play females' emotions to keep the money train rolling.

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WMHarrison94 9 maanden geleden

I say we have tasers: Use them...

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WMHarrison94 9 maanden geleden

@Drums_McBashington: Yeah, it's going to be glorious in a dark humorous way when the Western governments collapse... they all will be jumping into that fire for all. I'll set up some cameras and leave. Sit back and join RGE eating popcorn watching the burning. The good news: We can cook hotdogs a

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WMHarrison94 9 maanden geleden

And make s'mores with the flames...

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mrghoster 9 maanden geleden

It's ALL about Me, Me, Me! I'm the center of attention, I'm never wrong, I'm a Pastor's wife! lol! FUCK OFF you Ugly CUNT BITCH.

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mrghoster 9 maanden geleden

If that is a PASTOR's Wife I'm not surprised Christianity is totally FUCKED! APastor's wife who is DELUDED, thinks she is 25 instead of 60, obviously ENTITLED, is that what a good Christian has become? I suggest her God has Horns Cloved feet and drinks JD! lol! Women are the spawn of satan anyway's. As I said before a CULL or Virus needs to come along that will massively reduce the fefail population of Earth so MEN can gewt their BALL's back! lol! Women no longer even feature in my life, they are a lost cause and can only damage WEAK MEN. Don't do it guy's, put your big head before that little wiggly head! lol!and think before you leap.

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mrghoster 9 maanden geleden

When I watch things like this I wish that a VIRUS would come along and wipe out the fefail gender ONLY. The world is failing because Gynocentrism and Matriarchal forces are in control, they pussify MEN into having no power and when I look at today's world all I see in MOST aspect's is a bigger version of a MENTALLY ILL, LAZY fefail. Women have been allowed to become so entitled and deluded it is effecting Humanity as a whole and needs to be stopped. Huh! Pastor's Wife ? Fish Wife more like. I'm 60 years old and look 25 - There you have it ! lol! DELUDED as FUCK! PATHETIC, waste of fucking time, all to common in women of today. I find quite often when out generally shopping or just walking you can see almost daily some fucking deluded half wit entitled CUNT melting down! lol! It's becoming boring"!

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