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The Dark Secret About A Sexless Marriage

Published on 20 Oct 2020 / In People & Blogs

⁣It's good that this topic is being OPENLY discussed.

Article: https://www.myhopeinmarriage.c....om/the-consequences-

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LongRedRoad 4 years ago

I do = sex done with you.
and the article is true.. and is exactly what I have lived!

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wayfarer 4 years ago

Well... for those guys who are (still) married it is simple:

1. If your wife turns sex off for a) medical reasons or b) any other reason then you should be entitled to replace the missing part of your relationship AND the cost is on her.

2. If your wife continues but withholds the attention (she just plays dead until you discharge) - same thing.

But in both cases the relationship is over because if you nave to spend money on WAP outside of your marriage, or you need to fuck a bag of meat or a waifu and both never even move - again, time to reassess the costs and benefits. Treat her as disabled. If you have a car with a shot transmission that just sits in you garage, you need an Uber to move around. And please, take that old car to the salvage yard.

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ExperimentalGroup 4 years ago

I think that marriage will need a serious overhaul if the contract has any hope to be anything other than a liability for men. The contract will have to take into account the changing of feeling that will happen within a matter of years, as well as the discontinuation of services on part of the wife that would be considered grounds for divorce with no subsequent monetary compensations. If these things are not included in the marriage contract explicitly stated as a definitive part of the relationship, where the absence of this element renders the contract and relationship terminated—- it will be at the peril of men to enter such a lopsided contract that is doomed to failure and servitude. This being said, a waifu continues to look like a more stable option because the continuation of services is implied as is the same amount of emotional support given by a typical woman, which is none. It’s increasingly evident that women look at men as things, things that provide services, and not as people with their own needs.
It just is more clear that they cannot be trusted not relied on at any capacity other than the capacity for grief, sorrow , betrayal and overall disappointment.
Get the doll. It will always look better than the average women, will never leave and never give grief

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