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TAOGYOW - My very own Betty Page!

Published on 14 Oct 2022 / In Film & Animation


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Vladimir_Nedelkovski 2 years ago

So, are good buddy Taigyow is preparing to cheat on a woman who supposedly likes, with some MARRIED slut...
I am not gonna play the moral police here and just gonna remind you, Taogyow, as a fellow mgtow and a guy who also has been around fair share of women, that, actions have consequences. I hope you have learned that by now.

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John_Doe 2 years ago

Red Flag Alerts:

1. She's aggressively pursuing you (Desperation and/or Crazy Red Flag; why is a chick this hot chasing YOU when normally she'd have no shortage of men chasing HER?).

2. She lives in another state (Relocation Red Flag; she's looking for a sucker to pay for her move to your state OR wants you to relocate to her state to pay her bills).

3. She LIVES in another state (Down Low Red Flag; she's cheating on her current partner, using someone like yourself because you're "safe" as you live in a different state. "Safe" until her partner finds out about his cheating whore and ices both of in the hotel bed.).

4. You use the "Don't dip your quill in the company ink" cliche; this implies she works for the same company as you. If this is the case, that's a MAJOR Red Flag. Possible false rape/sexual harassment allegation to get you fired/blackmailed. Or maybe she has an eye on moving up in the company and sees you as a ladder rung in her climb to the top, what with your recent promotion. Convenient timing that she's pursuing you at the same time you're promoted, eh?

5. She's younger than you be a significant margin (Daddy Issues Red Flag).


The fucking you'll get ain't gonna be worth the fucking you're gonna get if you pursue this. This isn't the '70s where it's a quick round of casual fucking and then you both go your separate ways. These days sex is weaponized as a means to an end; there's always an ulterior motive or some dysfunctional psychology behind it now, usually to the man's detriment.

You know all of this already; but it's easy to forget when there's too much blood going to the little head rather than the big head. That, and manipulation via flattery.

Good luck...

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TAOGYOW 2 years ago

LoL I know it is. Thank you.

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Sinister1270 2 years ago

@TAOGYOW: That is where up front money is safer lol

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Mustang 2 years ago

Dude you claim to be a Christian but are you aware that God considers sex outside the Covenant of Marriage the sin of Fornication???

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Mustang 2 years ago

For Widows winnings there are 20 Losers who lost their hard earned money. The odds are always in The Houses favor. There is a reason the gambling companies make billions of profits off of suckers.

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BIGLOAD 2 years ago

Bettie Page . . . f-f-fuckin' Hawt. Man- what kinda Viagra Stud are You ? Next you'll hear- "You're not gonna just 'Ignore' Me ! (elapsed piss-time- approx 45 secs).

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TAOGYOW 2 years ago

Rabbit Stew anyone?

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@TAOGYOW: Rabbit Stew - roasted over coals, with plenty of fat.... or in a cast iron oven....

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