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sunday feb 11 24


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Published on 11 Feb 2024 / In Film & Animation

supporter streem sunday feb 11 24

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remarksman 5 months ago

Sarge is old like me and we ain't too techno. But The Toxic One showed up to save the day. I have a friend that does my tech stuff too otherwise it wouldn't get done.

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somelameguy 6 months ago

Stage one:
Push the people's food costs up by farmer protest (justified or not)
Stage two:
Push the people's wallets as hard as they can (speed to varry according to desired impact; fast would be shock, might cause change in thought process, slow would be misery; intended to drive people to desperation.)
Stage Three:
Blame the farmers, the more plausiable the better (Probably about the time that gimmies run out for all the immigrants, so they turn to crime, making normal people even more pressured)
Stage Four:
State intervention; seizing farms (in whole or part, through economics or force), or a 'relief' (siding with farmers or appearing to) with so many strings attached that will lead to the farms becoming government owned
Stage Five:
Communist Utopia... (the kind where they shoot/starve/plauge a lot of people) NO
More likely telling all the immigrants "they have all the food" resulting in desperate military aged men flooding every family home they can for food to survive. Most people would line up with their families/social groups; alot more division across ethnic/racial lines (real or projected and inflated) the goals to divide people as much as possible.
If there are food lines, there will be false flags at those food lines to make examples/targets of whichever social group is in the majority. (false flags don't mean no one dies, just the that the person(s) actually responsible are not the ones being presented as the actual attacker)
Roving gangs:
If you're from Samali and you don't speak english, and you're in America without food, and other Samali's offer you some that they took from the person they just killed in front of you... starving sucks, poor whitie is dead.
I really hope I just have an overly active imagination and a lack of common morals?

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somelameguy 6 months ago

Poor Popp... I see a Mac keyboard and a single button mouse...also a Mac...

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somelameguy 6 months ago

Safe evening all!

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Rusty_Shackleford83 6 months ago

Well thems the breaks. See y'all on Tuesday for another BattleDwarf history lesson.

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