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Street Prostitution Is On The Rise In San Diego. UH! OH!

Published on 29 Jul 2022 / In People & Blogs

It's time to just make it LEGAL so it can be SAFELY regulated and remove the criminal element.
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MigTaoBrony 2 years ago

Just this week. My neighbor made me an offer I totally refused!! Thank Doll for my pretty and clean synthetic sweetie ;-)

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

Life is tricky.. I think about hitting the megamillions 1.28 BILLION tonight and where I would direct my resources.. and I think as much about who I want to prevent from getting any as much as who I want to help.. say you give your kids 10 million each.. what about their mother who betrayed you? How do you block her from gaining advantage from you?..
A man should not have to deal with division of loyalties.. neither should his children.. what a country.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

Do you love your kids more than you hate their mother? .. maybe 10 million at once is just way too myuch and they should be held to a tighter financial regimen..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

@jim bennett: ;) and when their mother dies they will receive the balance of their inheritance.,.lol

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

@jim bennett: what can you do.. women and faggits making choices regarding our families..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago


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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

with that much money, you are above the law to a large degree. hire a ballbusting team of lawyers and figure out a way to get the money out of the country and to a reliable overseas banking country, there are several options. Once you get second passport, get a second passport for any of your descendants to the same country, and establish a trust for them in that country which specifies how the money should be distributed to them. this would provide pretty good protection

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I would definitely look overseas.. maybe Australia..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: The more I think about it,, the more I realize this country is not much more deserving than my ex and her husband.. lol.. I would seriously look at an offshore option to store my wealth.. I remember the IRS coming after me as soon as I started to have some savings.. they actually took 800 out of my account and then sent it back to me.. what if I needed that money.,.. and I see my countryu doing for foreigners while my people fill the jails and crematoriums.. Trump only comes close to what justice would be..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

Trump is wrong abnout supporting the cops.. and right about deporting the foreigners.. when I was young we didn't need many cops.. but things were better.. things were basically GOOD! .. add drugs, open borders and no money.. 40 years later.. and shithole it is..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

a temporary paper debt now you see it now you don't. MONEY where they decide who gets how much and when and what for.. . yep, hardly worth staying..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

having money is better if you are surrounded by poor people.. so AMERICA creates the money and the poor people..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

I just don't believe in s;lavery.. my family all worked hard regardless..

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

@jim bennett: You can't fix stupid. What the USA used to be was very unique. tyranny is the normal state of mankind. The average IQ is falling in the USA as well as the west as a whole, the western world is in a state of decline because of unmetered immigration. Immigration can be beneficial if it is done at a controlled rate but it has been done too quickly and now the domestic culture has been usurped. The retards are in the government now. It is downhill from here. Multicultural societies do not last. The US used to be a high iq, high trust society. we are seeing this society now devolve into a low iq, low trust society. To reverse it, you would need a rapid influx of high iq people to counteract what has happened, but this will not occur because white women stopped having kids due to feminism and the Asian countries have birthrates worse than the west. modern society cannot be maintained with an average iq less than roughly 100 and we are right on that tipping line right now. Robert putnam did studies on the failures of multiculturalism they are a good read. Australia is a terrible idea. very tyrannical leftist country. There are two strategies I see to survive what is coming: go to a rural area where libtards are very uncomfortable and lay low if you are of humble means. take an inventory of the local politics and what libtard government people may like to steal from the area. try to live in an area where there isnt much desirable to take. If you are rich, then watch the nomad capitalist channel and diversify your citizenship and residency. go where you are treated best as he says. become a moving target with your assets divided in several nations. these are the two strategies i see for the future. You can avoid a lot of trouble in the USA by simply leaving the large cities, im sure you know this.

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

@jim bennett: a lot of the cops are very retarded now too, its sad. I was talking to one of these tards once and they were so dim witted it was is if I could predict what he would say. reaction time is associated with IQ and this guy was living on like a 10 second delay. I mean they are pulling from the lowest rungs at this point, these people are so stupid they are dangerous. its time to just slip out the back door man, these people are unmanageable.

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

Also very relevant. Gets me everytime. May re-upload this clip too.


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eldrazi317 2 years ago

Well, woman are not desperate yet. I’ve been thinking that females having children is merely a survival tactic since the male human usually sticks to her out of a feeling of duty/and/or for the child that he may later find to not even be his. However still a survival tactic which would explain that now that females think they don’t need a make there has been such a dramatic lowering of children being born. Females don’t want children unless it will provide them with some sort of utility. Doesn’t that sound similar to how males are viewed?

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eldrazi317 2 years ago

Although to be fair condoms, and other forms of female birth control have only made it easier. Along with abortion.

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GenerationLESS 2 years ago

...And the bill collector doesn't accept pussy as payment. You women have to convert that into cash first!

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