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Star Wars philosophy 1

Published on 23 Nov 2020 / In People & Blogs

The title is self-explanatory.

Also, MGTOW and Red-Pillers are going to carve out a niche for us in this Satanic, gyno-happy shitty system. Fuck the Establishment, and fuck society. It's about to crash and burn big time.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

there is a reason why shows and movies and even video games in some cases are ingrained with good and evil. it's a tool to teach the difference. now i'm not all that familiar with star wars in all it's entirety.

i was more obsessed with other science fictions like star trek or stargate but a lot of these shows have a story being told of good and evil, right and wrong. i guess the only thing that separates these shows from star wars is that star wars is more of an science fiction fantasy. where stargate and star trek are just science fictions.

and might have to do with why i don't believe in the mystical stuff because it's mostly about science but with enough time and effort comes knowledge and everything can be explained, in the bible it calls my approach "the natural man". and i respect that as i would rather believe in the things that are realistic and make sense even if a lot of the stuff in these shows are absolutely fiction.

but going back to "right and wrong good and evil", you can even find this in superhero characters from the beginning i liked batman, not because what he was wearing and because of the bat, but because he was just a man who wanted to fight for the innocent ppl and protect the night as the night was typically when the bad or evil came out to play on the innocents. i liked other superheros even the ones with powers, but i was intrigued by the heroes who did the same things but as a natural man instead of having all the super powers like a god.

but all of these good traits are ingrained into a lot of the media we consume, which isn't a bad thing at all. but idk if you follow comics at all, but within the last decade the main stream have been trying really hard to dismantle these traits in the entertainment industry.

this is why we keep seeing stupid things like gender swapping and changing of the lore just to fit the narrative of women empowerment in all these shows and movies video games, and ppl are rejecting it because it's not only wrong but it's not organic to swap someones gender in an lore for no reason except diversity.

if that's all they wanted, then they would create their own story and leave the good establish characters alone, but they don't because it's all about using the name recognition of an established character who is already popular so they can change the narrative to that new character effectively destroying that established story.

i can't tell if writers are lazy or can't think creatively anymore or they just want to use the easy button and destroy an already established character to boost the ratings for their shit writing, i know they did this with the latest star wars with ray, because i remember listening to ppl talk about this, it was something they changed in the lore in order to make ray gain the force to be the first female to use the force and she was more powerful than all of them because wahmen power...they just gave her the powers without any realistic back story to explain how she became the most powerful of them all.

same thing with captain marvel, now i didn't actually see that movie i just listened to shit about it. i mostly like marvel movies but i didn't see this one and i really don't want to pay money to see it lol. i did see endgame tho when she shows up for the last bit.

and suddenly i'm done typing because i lost my original point.

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Johnny_Cage 3 years ago

I agree with you 1000% about the gender-swapping and feminist sabotage of all original, masculine media franchises. I've been saying that with fervent zeal for the past several years; people are starting to realize these agendas now. Very slowly for some, and very quickly for others that are seeing these subversive, offensive agendas so brazenly pushed now. I don't even consider the new 'trilogy' to be canon truly. I consider it 'Disney side-canon' but it's not actual Star Wars to me. I'll never change my mind either. I hate it, and it has nothing of the essence of real Star Wars. These jealous bithes and gay dudes just HATE everything original and genius created by real, masculine, dynamic men. They're so jealous that they MUST sabotage it out of some perceived slight and revenge upon us. Lol those are literally qualities of the Dark Side and Dark Side Force-users. Remember how the evil Sith always wanted 'revenge' against the Jedi for some imagined betrayal? Lol they felt like their opportunity to oppress and enslave everyone was stolen from them; sounds like women to me.

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Johnny_Cage 3 years ago

On BitChute, I have this video posted; i think this reply to a commenter applies to you too, Sentient. Here it is: "I STRONGLY recommend that you don't watch the 'new' 'Ray and Finn' trilogy. Those movies made by (((J.J. Abrams))) completely bastardize and shit on all the carefully-constructed philosophy. I don't even consider the last three movies when I talk about Star Wars. I don't even consider them canon at all; I don't give a fuck what the idiot producers or Disney claim. It's full of vile, putrid feminism and Mary Sue type characters, and pathetic excuses for villains. I mean for Christ's sake, Obsidian the only Black main character they portray him as a fearful, cowardly Stormtrooper that was actually a janitor. I shit you not. Then the (((writers))) had him do nothing but chase after Rey, the White girl wannabe-Jedi Mary Sue, and take insults and abuse from her. "

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Johnny_Cage 3 years ago

The more I thought about how ridiculously over-powered Rey was, the more I grew to hate the trilogy and its writers/directors. When someone pointed out how cucked and pathetic they made Finn out to be, that was the point where I was fully done with the 'new Star Wars' Disney franchise. It's a blatantly-hostile middle finger to the fans, the talented original creators/authors, and the sanctity of franchise as a modern work of art. I consider Star Wars to be America's modern-day Epic of Gilgamesh or Baghavad Gita or Mahabharata or Illiad/Odysee. To destroy it, mock it, and shit all over it is equivalent to trashing or destroying a national treasure work-of-art. That's how it seems to me; people downplay the severity of it severely. Yet if you criticize some stupid movie that women love, and pick it apart, you'll get attacked by women and mangina White Knights.

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Johnny_Cage 3 years ago

Also, I fully expect you to issue a few long replies to my comments :)

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: yeah sorry. I do that most of the time, but your lucky. I have a headache.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: yeah sorry. I do that most of the time, but your lucky. I have a headache.

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Johnny_Cage 3 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: Dang; I got off easy this time then :)

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Johnny_Cage 3 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: But I seriously do enjoy the insight in each of your responses. They may ramble on, like mine do sometimes, but that stream-of-consciousness monologue contains a lot of golden nuggets of wisdom and insight.

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