
Standing On MY Principles

98 Bekeken
gepubliceerd op 30 Oct 2021 / In Mensen & blogs

Sometimes you gotta do what must be done.

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doomem2 3 jaar geleden

When freedom is outlawed only outlaws will be free !!!

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GoogleSucks 3 jaar geleden

I actually have the sweet and sour sniffles right now. I had a bad cold starting about 2-1/2 weeks ago, as did my housemates. About a week and a half ago I came to find out it's the sweet and sour sniffles; housemate got a positive test as an incidental finding when getting his eyes checked out. I felt it the responsible thing to inform the few people I had directly social contact with during this time, and then to stay in my house as much as absolutely possible. By this time, I was almost over it, and I stopped having any sickness symptoms at all a week ago, and even the sniffling stopped early last week.

I got tested Thursday, believing it was completely gone and would be negative. No such luck; the stupid thing cam back positive. Sure enough, within hours the county contacted me with a bunch of questions. I responded, rather than have them follow up more aggressively, or send the sniffles police after me. My hope is that my responses check some bureaucrat's boxes and going forward they leave me alone.

I have a past medical history of deep vein thrombosis, and this means blood clots. No way in hell I'll ever get the sniffles vaccine. I'm self-employed, very fortunate in my situation, and so I'm under no economic threat at present, or any other kind of threat, to get the sniffles vaccine. I'll bounce if need be to avoid it, and I'll bounce as far away as is required. The good news is I see no real indication it will come to this, at least not so far. Wish me luck.

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GhostPlodderES 3 jaar geleden

Mad respect.

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NoWifeHappyLife 3 jaar geleden

Good for you! I'm in the same boat. If they require a mask or jab at my job, they will have to fire me.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 3 jaar geleden

they are taking us for a ride in the name of what's good for them. . How far will we let them take us against our best interests? it gets worse with every generation imo.. at some point we will say no more.. or we will end up with no life at all.

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