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Solve The Worlds Energy Crisis

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone
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Publicado en 02 May 2021 / En Cine y Animación


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hqwebsite 3 años hace

SoloMan! Sorry for the late reply. I was having mild fever these few days. I'm recovering now. Nice 'solo panel' thumbnail up there. Heh! Heh! SoloMan, you are a Star Trek fan. Remember this? We know from where Femons got their limitless energy. It's always from the man! Just like alimony & child support. It sucks the lifeforce out from man. Green energy is leftist idea.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 años hace

I would rather not have such a form of energy at all.
You have to admit that it drains your energy.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 años hace

It does, there are some drawbacks

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Greensilk5559 3 años hace

In malaysia they create solar panels using hydro power. There is a power cord under the Ocean in Europe that carries electricity 2000 miles.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 años hace

It plugs in where?

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Greensilk5559 3 años hace

@SoloManZone: last I heard Germany

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Greensilk5559 3 años hace


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Greensilk5559 3 años hace

Coin farms will solve dept

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 años hace

Growing coins?

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Greensilk5559 3 años hace

@SoloManZone: bitcoin computer farms use a physical good called energy. Energy is physical and tangible, computers solve complex algorithms to generate coin. This physical process creates a coin with varrying value, enough mining can pay off the US national dept

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 años hace

@Greensilk5559: I have a challenge for you. Define energy. Not how energy manifest, nor how to measure it. Can you do that?

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Greensilk5559 3 años hace

@TheManInside: Energy cannot be created not can it be destroyed. Energy is a stored potential of electrons that can be stored and reused. The best for of energy that we have comes in the form of photons from the sun. Most of matter contains radiation in the form of electrons. It is a material that exists and cannot ever ever be destroyed.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 años hace

@Greensilk5559:so is energy an electron, a photon, radiation? What is it? Have to say you failed the challenge and you're all over the place. Yes, energy can be created, it's an observable phenomenon. Matter can be turned into energy and vice versa. Matter is widely accepted as something that can be defined, energy on the other hand, there's clear definitions for how it manifests and how to measure the different types of manifestations, but there's no definition for what energy is. Example, electric energy. The movement of electrons on a copper wire, generating heat, magnetic field, electro waves, mechanical movement. Chemical energy, fuel being burned inside an engine, energy manifests as heat, noise, mechanical movement. Gravitational energy, that we feel constantly, we can measure it too, we can see the tides, we can see the sun and the stars moving, we understand how it works, but what is it exactly? None of the manifestations is energy, we can measure noise, electrons flowing on a copper wire, heat, and so on, but not energy itself. Food for thought now. Time. Easy to measure, an event that repeat itself at regular intervals is a unit of time. A day, a year, in the past the fases of the moon... What is time exactly?

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Greensilk5559 3 años hace

@TheManInside: interesting thesis and I respect your explenation. I am going to attempt to say that while Solar is 22% effecient and gasoline 41% effecient we cannot measure energy but rather we can measure the amount of crypto. yes different coins have different value, some have higher intensities of energy requirements, kilowatt hours and so forth. What matters is some like to argue that Cryptocurrency has no value, some believe that anyone can open a notepad- write 2 minutes of code and boom done crpyto. However its not that simple, in my mind Crypto is a young technology and its bound to erase the concept of dept. there will still be winners and losers but dept will be a concept of the past.

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Armored_ID10T 3 años hace

lol I suppose that would work, but have you thought of the hot smoke that has been blown up their asses as well? Could tap in that source as well.
On another note, I have a couple of solutions for the energy crisis. But first I must define what the energy crisis is:
The energy crisis is not that we are low on electricity, but that demand for it is rapidly outpacing the supply and will continue to do so until the end of time. So, no matter how many solar panels you cover the earth with, how many crops you plant (for feeding people) and how many power stations you build, people will always want more. The more energy that is required to produce, the more invasive it will be to the environment. This in addition to human waste/garbage leaves a tough nut to crack.
-Firstly, human waste plastic is everywhere and it is just sitting there doing nothing. What if I told you there is a process that even you (in your own garage) where you can turn waste plastic into diesel by building your own "Catalytic Pyrolysis Reactor" - where you heat up waste plastic in a sealed chamber and the gasses that excrete from the plastic can condense into usable diesel (and small quantities of gasoline) which can be used to fuel cars or home generators.
Here is the video on YouTube to show you that it works:
-Secondly, propane is an AWESEOME source of energy that does not rely on foreign dictatorships to supply it. Here in the US we produce nearly 100% of all the propane we use here in the states. Propane burns cleaner than gasoline, has an infinite shelf life (it never expires unlike gasoline which left untreated will only last 6 months), and unlike solar power plant installations on houses, is not energy intensive to get it working. The reason why propane is so amazing is because it is so abundant, it is cheaper than gasoline, and you can convert your car to run either full on propane or have a dual-fuel tank system to run on gasoline and propane. It is a very modular fuel source and if people understood its potential, it could save the internal combustion engine from its looming demise. My argument for propane stems from the fact that our aging infrastructure in the US cannot handle so many people trying to charge their electric cars - just look at what happened to Texas and the disastrous winter blackouts. If people could be grid independent (even temporarily), we would have a whole lot less problems.
(not to mention, driving cars that can't drive themselves and have no wireless connection or hackable ports (such as OBD-2) will keep chugging along while all other cars destroy themselves with their victims trapped inside them)

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Armored_ID10T 3 años hace

I also forgot to say that these are things that you can set up as well, you don't need millions of dollars to build a thermal vent generator gizmo, or even tens of thousands of dollars to build a solar installation in your house. People in the middle of nowhere in could generate as much electricity as they need as long as they have access to abundant amounts of plastic.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 años hace

Very informative, if a bit long, I usually only read this much before bed. I can buy a bun at the store and put it on a wooden rail outside and the wood rail would rot before the bun, as its got so much preservatives in it. But anyway, did you find the video funny?

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Armored_ID10T 3 años hace

@SoloManZone: Yes I did. I was holding my breath for a second that you would mention some sort of wood gasification or the plastic pyrolysis reactor or something wacky like some sort of human powered generator where people got fit (reducing diabetes) and generate that electricity to charge their gigantic Cybertruck or something silly like that LOL. I like the idea that femons can be out of breath by doing something obnoxious so they can't preach about how much better of a person they are for doing it lul

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 años hace

@Jonathan : If I buy a plastic bag I know that it will outlast me!

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Armored_ID10T 3 años hace

@SoloManZone: Yup, can't do much with plastic other than convert it into fuel, or it will end up in a dump somewhere. I wonder if some day people will excavate land fills for plastic to make fuel out of. Really weird to think about how bad things would have to get to warrant that lol

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 años hace

@Jonathan : We say femons woffle, that means they drone on and on about nothing for hours........and they all can do it. I just thought what a waste of energy

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 años hace

@Jon : If the planet and humans last long enough a plastic will classed the same as a Gold bar is today. but I don't believe the humans will make it by the look of it.

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Armored_ID10T 3 años hace

@SoloManZone: AH! I like that! What a waste of energy - energy that can be exploited! lmaoo now I get it haha

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Armored_ID10T 3 años hace

@SoloManZone: Who knows man. All I know is that we're in for a hell of a ride though.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 años hace

@Jon : I got a seat at the back

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