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SIX dumb fucking women in a row

Published on 23 Sep 2021 / In Film & Animation

Women ARE dumber than men
And the 6th woman, was the young checkout chick.... The conversation went like this.

"Hi - Do you like (your groceries) in plastic bags?"

"Oh no I am happy being single". She gets the "old bag" joke.

"Yeah OK - (since these are the only containers to carry them out to my car in) I'll have them in bags thanks".

Now there was OBVIOUSLY enough groceries to fill two bags - fairly full.

So after filling up one bag, she asks, "Do you want these (unpacked groceries) in another bag?"

I thought this was rather pointless to even think it, much less ask it. the free ranging groceries were a fair amount of odd shapes and sizes and they could not have been carried out to the car with a bag of groceries in one hand and an equivalent amount of loose groceries in the other.

So I replied, "I will give you a life skills lesson. OK - it's totally obvious that the amount of groceries is more than enough to fill a single bag, and so a second bag is necessary.

Therefore it is not necessary to ask this question. I want you to remember this, that in regards to the important things in life, ONLY do things if they are necessary".

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

I am coming around to the feeling that women are smart enough to decide if you want to initiate sex with them. While you talk to them, you should be able to tell if she has all her teeth and other small things. Now that more of us are going MGTOW, We really do not need them or to talk to them.

I mean when I was in the Navy, we watched one of our shipmates walk up to woman at the bar with wife and infant in tow and say I want to fuck. She looked at the wife and then the sailor again, and they left to fuck. I mean you can just look at bitches and then decide to fuck them; nod towards them and if they nod back, it's nookie time. No words required.... So, why are we talking to them?

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

Can you clarify this situation a bit? What country was this in and why does this guy want to go to a bar with an infant and his wife and talk like that? Can you please help me understand this bizarre situation? They just left together and fucked with a little baby and a wife in the next room or something? WTF?

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