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Self-Entitled Women Are Shocked Men Don't Want Them

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yayınlandı 29 Apr 2024 / İçinde Eğlence

Self-Entitled Women Are Shocked Men Don't Want Them

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mrghoster 2 günler önce

Rich Guy's be that financially or spiritually in themselves are that way because they see through the MONEYpulative CUNT fefail. I don't have or want or need a fefail and I'm rich beyond belief. I'm comfortable finacially and don't go with out shit I want, but I;m also in a Mature Mental place what is like a form of Heaven to me! I'm not ever gonna have a MONEYpulative peice of skank ruin that for me as my advantages far out wiegh that of a piece of dried out, itcky CUNT! lol!

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mrghoster 2 günler önce

Great vid "REP" food for thought and a couple of laughs, have a great day man!

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mrghoster 2 günler önce

I think all of what is happening may just be NATURE, let me MANsplain! lol! Women were given a unique opportunity (By NATURE) that could have been something really wonderful "FOR ALL"! but women being women, weak and stupid started to destroy it before it got off the ground. But NATURE being NATURE, ids now starting to resort back to type. that type is reverting BACK to Masculine and MALE. Women fucked themselves over the day they derided the Masculine. Because the masculine had no place where nature probably intended it to be there to assist. But fuck em', women are on their own now collectively. They may still get Government lacky help with free money and shit, BUT it's not free is it? government have become the TRUE Oppressor of the fefail not MEN although we are still blamed in a MATRIACHAL Gynocentric society that is women centric. We MEN have little say, thrown out of the box a long time ago and women and government expect usd to climb back in the box? lol! Nope I'm happy here in the lofty heights looking into the very box I was now glad to have been thrown out of! lol!

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mrghoster 2 günler önce

That sobbing bitch wondering if she will be able to feed her BOY's, is a perfect example of the Selfish, ignorant fefail. what is she doing? Crying for herself I guess, the damage she has done ALO(NE to HER BOY's lay's firmly on her shoulders alone, unless the lad's are with their Father that is, where BOY's should be? But I don't know about that? These whining CUNT's give me a great deal of laughter and fun and a realization of just how fucking lucky I am, to have escaped just the once from marriage, befor family courts so I never had to pay her a penny. Close Call! lol!

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mrghoster 2 günler önce

Women moan about MEWN are NOT dating ore approaching them so the MEN are Frightened of THEM? lol! Fuck of all we hear is women projecting their own hysteria on to the MAN. No women can frighten ME, because I choose to avoid the malicious CUNT's because they no longer fill ANY small part of advantage to my life! lol! The very fact that women deride MEN constantly shows out their true WEAKNESS and trying to make MEN think that women are happy alone is such a big self DELUSION shown by women. As a Guy, with a thinking rational, logical mindset, I'm actually thriving because my time money and efforts are not deflected by a bit of weorthless Skank pussy. women may only have their PUSSY to live by, but a MAN with a BRAIN is NOT distracted from his innovation by pussy. everything a women does including dripping her tears into her box wine is created by a MAN. If a REAL MAN creates something and it isn't used HE will pull it from the market place, and that is why MEN are walking away in constantly increasing number's because the "PRODUCT we are offering (being a MAN) is no longer needed by a women, so we walk and get on with OUR development nearly always without a women in mind . Fuck my life has raced ahead without pussy in it. My Money (ALL of it) is mine, time is mine, idea's and hobbies are Mine. and above all MY Peace of Mind is Mine and mine alone, no women will EVER invade or get anywhere's near me again I wont allow it as that would be foolish. Now if I had had all the stuff I have today back in the ingnorant days of my youth I would actually be the perfect Catch for a women, but as they say a little knowledge is a great thing and life is cool hopefully to the grave? lol!

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