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Romance Scam Victim Meets Woman After 4 Years!

25 Bekeken
gepubliceerd op 25 Oct 2023 / In Film & Animatie

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KEEPER 8 maanden geleden  

my dad just recently just fell for this same kind of scam, i was planning to upload my own video or audio talking about this issue, but the whole situation was pissing me off so i was trying to watch other things to get my mind off of it all because it didn't matter how much i talked about this issue and how 100% of these are scams all meant to extract his money from him, he disregarded my every attempt and also said he would not talk to me anymore or help me anymore if i didn't keep quiet about it, well i would say he forced my hand with that threat.

i told my whole family and his best friend who saved his life from a heart attack he had only 2 years ago whom he's indebted to because he saved his life, he recently had a divorce from his wife and just like the fucking idiot he is, he fell for one of the biggest scams going around right now, and every fucking step of the way he kept lying to me and he.

i'm was almost ready to allow him to learn the hard consequences of his dumbass actions with this because he was being such a fucking ass and threatening to disown me over this nonsense, i'm glad i told all of my family, he thinks i betrayed him, that's how he's rationalizing this because he's a fucking moron falling for a scam and he doesn't see it.

i might upload something later about this, maybe, maybe not, it just depends on how angry i am.

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Sucks that happened. Channel Anger as Pop and Blake say and use it to fuel more positive outcome for you as being Angry isn't all that healthy and don't get disowned. \G/

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KEEPER 8 maanden geleden

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: right now it's being handled between my sister and my dads friend talking with my dad, his friend seems to think he could get some kind of revenge from this by reporting this scam to the FBI, but i'm a lot less optnistic than he, however he's worked in government agencies dealing with shit like this in his past, so maybe he knows some tricks that could help in getting his money back, but i'm afraid it won't happen because my dad was really hooked in with this girl or whom ever it was, they were using some pretty damn sophisticated shit to do it as well, anything from AI generated voice lines using the program i suspect they used this program to do it with, eleven labs ai, because it sounded very human and that

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KEEPER 8 maanden geleden

that's the best one on the entire AI voice market, i'm thinking that company that runs that program could be subpoenaed to release the information of the person who used their service could narrow down who this fucking ass hole who deserves a pike up their ass for running this scam, but idk what will happen, idk i just don't know.

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KEEPER 8 maanden geleden

i don't even trust my government with this task, i think they need a pike up their asses to lol. fuck the government, they are fucking useless pieces of shit that will do nothing to help anyone but themselves, honestly it wouldn't surprise me if they set these scams up.

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@KEEPER: FACTS. Governments all of are a fucking joke and wouldn't be surprised if they are the ones running the scam to get money as tax money may not be cutting it for their funding of both sides in the jew vs Muslim war or it could be some zoomer tween whore good with computers wanting free money

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@KEEPER: I will say this and you may not like it I take it as he was lonely and wanted female attention (Blue pill validation) As you are the Keeper of Wisdom Knowledge and Faith I will say this give him one last shot to show him the error of his ways without anger or belittling him and he may come round and maybe become redpill or mgtow himself.

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@KEEPER: I didn't even know about this scam however I have fallen for some scams in the past, Lesson Learned you live and you learn and if your father doesn't listen to your calm logical and Rational advice then you know he is a lost cause and you won't be feeling angry anymore you will continue working towards your goals. Like I said you might like what I said however you can do better and my old man "WAS" the same or similar to yours.

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KEEPER 7 maanden geleden

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: his best friend was able to convince him to delete everything and that this was indeed a scam, i have tried to text my dad since, and he won't even acknowledge me, i literally saved his life and this is what i get for him lying to me for 2 years straight. at least i'm trying to salvage the relationship, he's just ignoring me every which way, i get that he feels betrayed but he now knows it was a scam, but to put me into the blocked setting or ignored setting is messed up and i will only take that kind of abuse for so long until i drop him because i know he's just going to start over with this same petty shit again.

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@KEEPER: I agree your not wrong. His loss if he still acts that way. Keep doing you to make your life better and keep looking out for yourself Number 1 if nobody else is going to. Build and Live your life drama and bullshite free as much as possible and sucks your father is still acting that blue pill way Godwilling he will otherwise he will have to accept and live with the shame when he fucks up and falls for another scam. Keep doing you KEEPER bro and Godbless you make your own way in the world \G/

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Shrike777 8 maanden geleden

This is the story of a career sucker.
Christ, you'd think he's learn after the first chick left him.
Zero fucks for the chump.

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KEEPER 8 maanden geleden

this is the story of my dad for the last few years, it wasn't apparent up until 2 days ago that he just was scammed and just when you thought he would be red pilled based on how the situation unfolded,, he was right back into the scam thinking she was mugged and in the hospital just like in this very video, it's the same exact scam another women's face and story, but none the less the same shit, i tried to warn him and he still kept on this dumbass course of action, then he said he would never talk to me or help me again if i told anyone, and at first i was manipulated by this, but after a day of holding onto this info i decided to tell everyone in my family to see if they could help including his friend who he's indebted to for literally saving his life 2 years ago from a heart attack and is his legal guardian because he's an old man, anyway i told him because i know if there is anyone who he will listen to it's his best friend in the whole wide world. and he did have a long chat with my dad today, he's thinking he might be able to fix this situation, but i'm a lot less optimistic of this situation because my dad has the behavior that he's going to just do this dumb shit again, and next time he won't likely tell anyone about it. i swear he deserves homelessness at this point.

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Shrike777 7 maanden geleden

@KEEPER: Sorry to hear that man. You can only do so much. He is a grown ass man and must accept the consequences for his actions. Remember, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. Hope all goes well for him.

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