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My Dancing Man Series 004 - Зикар Атаги 1

Published on 09 Sep 2021 / In Film & Animation

This is a really good video to download and rip into an MP3 - and sing along with it.... I gather it's in Eastern Europe / Russia somewhere and I would appreciate it if anyone knows the language and can translate it.... Well I live in the land of divine inspiration. ⁣Зикар Атаги 1 = ⁣Zikar Atagi 1 - AND I need an accurate translation of it - if anyone can do it.... Or I can chase this up too....

· 5y

Bikes, Books, Coffee, & Grammar.

They'll be Sufis, who practice a mystic form of Islam.
There's a lot to it, but one thing that they do is to practice 'active meditation'.
The video mentions 'Zikr'
which is an islamic term for a number of devotional acts. The sufi view
of Zikr is different to 'mainstream' islam, and they practice the
recitation of liturgy via group chanting, dancing, and singing with the
goal of achieving a trance like state.
In Turkey you can see performances of Dervishes
who twirl in ceremonial gear to get into the 'trance' state, and I
believe that this is basically a group version of that kind of
I don't really know enough to elaborate on it, but it's a feature of
Islam primarily in the Balkans, Turkey, and North Africa I believe.
It's not dissimilar to pentecostal christian churches which play music, and
through singing and prayer encourage people to speak in 'tongues' (which is often accompanied by a trance like state).

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