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MGTOW Red Pill Time Release Capsule (Mirror)

Published on 22 Aug 2022 / In People & Blogs

Robby Rooster dropped his red pills around 2017 then stopped. His channel is still on ytube probably due to it never being monetized though he will probably be caught up in one of the future purges. I feel his message is unique and needs to be preserved here.

This is one of his first vlogs.

More to come.

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 2 years ago

What i never see are cookbooks from todays age of young women i read a story of a museum where a narrator was saying how teenage girls did magical needle work from the 1600s and 1700s ect today you see no crafts... i am just having more respect looking at afganistan or iraq women do not get away with crap. Good looking women there as well even india you wish to get rid of a woman put her in a psych ward. I do not agree about treating women like dog crap but look at this all women govt bs men have become pussies. Look at stories from the ottoman empire women were simple comodities. A horse had more use Go through the court system a few times and you become the grey man on mgtow. You get to an age you simply wish to walk away from the bs of society look at single men who are worth millions successful companies they date and do not want marriage or kids. Women trap men. Look at now i have seen locally NO spermicide in stores one gf i did not trust throw one in before sex and she never got pregnant worth the 10 dollars a week. She never caught on.

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Mustang 2 years ago

Rooster, doesent living the Purple Pill Lifestyle have all kinds of dangers that go along with it???
You could entangle yourself with a certified Psyco Bitch who would screw up your life big time.
You could get a STD.
You could get a Bimbo pregnet and have to pay child support for 23 years.
You could get fired from your job.
You could get a prison sentence for a false charge of sexual harresment and rape.
You might have to pay child support for a kid THAT IS NOT YOUR!!!
All this risk for a overrated wet hole.
No thanks, the risk isn't worth the reward.

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He is really good.

Sometimes the least "sexy" people are the most interesting - he is cohesive - to the point and linear.

Can you ask him to set up a channel and or copy all of his material across.

Good teachings.

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 2 years ago

He definitely had some unique and interesting thoughts on the red pill and the Manosphere. I have a few more of his videos I'll post.

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@Calling All Stations: This is the trouble with these issues, there are people who make a point, there are people who reinforce the point and there are some really remarkable people in amongst it all.... I kind of view humanity as the most functional are about 95% on the ball and 5% not particularly useful, and the least functional are about 95% not particularly useful and 5% on the ball... So one person gets to the point and the other requires much time to go sifting for the data - but each is a valuable contributor in their own way. So on one hand, it's hard to compile and save ALL the really brilliant material, because there is a HUGE amount of it, from a ginormous amount of people, AND on the other hand, it would be an absolute waste and a shame, to let these people and their contributions be forgotten and to vanish into the mists of time.....

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So what do you do when you get up too 10,000 men, and each has an average of 100 recordings... That is a HUGE database... 10,000,000 recordings...

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