MGTOW Fireside Chat

Published on 26 Sep 2020 / In Film & Animation
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KEEPER 4 years ago

I remember when I suggested the idea creating Creepypastas. I know this isn't a creepypasta. But at least it was educational and I got something out of it.

I'm not sure if I I'm a part of this younger crowd per say as I am 34 years old, but I've also grown to appreciate some things of the past some things may be in your generation and some things in previous generations. But conversations such as this is definitely a throwback to the good old days, unfortunately the fire is only pixels on a screen but it's a representative of an actual fire and having the conversation and telling the story.

You wouldn't believe this of me but I have listen to old-time radio and I found that I enjoyed some of the shows that were played. But when I was younger from 19 to 25 I wasn't interested in any of this stuff.

All I wanted was my video games and my porn. It's funny looking back on that I know now it was because my hormones were very active. It's in our biology to seek satisfaction in a world where satisfaction increasingly doesn't exist. I see the change and I don't feel then I can handle the change.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

You are lucky to still retain humanity and not follow the new generation at your age. You realized that people had become greedy mindless consumers. The main thing you younger generation have lost is quality of life and meaningful purpose. A story on a radio is always better than a film because you are using your own imagination to create the story. I wish other younger people would see what their missing like you but they are being brainwashed by the media and big tech companies that they need the lasted iPhone and upgrades

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

@The_Shoveler: Females are at best a side attraction for only a short time, they have used their looks only and are superficial creators of their pwn doing. Men are builders, dreamers, inventors, producers. As I see it females have yet to step up to the plate and give back to society and only want to take

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soloswords2019 4 years ago

I work for the govt' and my supervisors just "stay in step with the 'soros' rules", and at 57yrs,it's a damn scary thing to see. Most American men have no balls & no HONOR; being x-combat sqd' & a real Yahweh/Jesus follower, this troubles me greatly everyday as I walk through this valley.....

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

greed is master and honor will die with us and god help wait god don't help them

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Hammerhead69 4 years ago

Let us sit by the fire and sing sad songs. Society is riddled with toxic fear. Fear of death failure etc... means fear of life. Having to just be who you are and damn fools who would shape you.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

I am unaffected as I know who I am. But continually hearing and seeing the crap does sometimes get to you

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