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Published on 26 Mar 2023 / In People & Blogs

not christy lol

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sardonicsmile 1 year ago

Chameleon tradthot, detected

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TheRedKnight 1 year ago

oh, didnt know she was a chamelon, so she was justpearl before her???

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sardonicsmile 1 year ago

@TheRedKnight: She doesn't look like that pearl female. Pearl is a gifted who stole talking points from Rollo and put them out as her own, for big profit. She has her own podcast and YouTube channel and is making money off the research and work of other men.

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TheRedKnight 1 year ago

@sardonicsmile: yeah.....pearl is getting cancelled and black simps are holding her from the jewish cross XD u heard about her remarks towards slavery? She said slavery wasnt "that bad"

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sardonicsmile 1 year ago

@TheRedKnight: Well, I'm not saying slavery was good or bad. It was part of history and still goes on today. Yet these SJWs don't have anything to say about it. They ONLY play the slavery/race card when it suits them.and because it is their ONLY way to stay relavent and make people kowtow to them. They are to be avoided as far as I am concerned. The few "good ones" are too high a cost to let them comingle with civilized society. ANYTHING they take over, they destroy.

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