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Mass leafleting in Oxford against 15-minute cities

Published on 01 Feb 2023 / In Film & Animation

The retaliation of County Coucils has started regarding 15t min Cities. Like everything else they arte doing to us this WILL be a disaster. The Ecomo,y of these local area's will be devestated Everything will grind to a halt as we alreadty see happening. We need to get the power back into the peoples hands, governemt is NO LONGER working and they are supposed to SERVE US. They hacve gone to dar and WAR of some sort against politicians is on the way, I just feel it? Personally I'm fortunate to be OLD even if I am in Good health, so when I'm gone for me it will be a pleasanr release! but what of those for the future? No or LOW education is a problem, The Met Police are already recruiting illiterate's some of which have criminal records. I keep hoping one day I'll get out of bed and all this has been a bad dream? Probably not. It's as if someobne somewhere is using "The Rebelations" from the Bible as a Workshop Manual. what was a warning has become reality?

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