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Man Woman Myth: Misandry - Rape (3 of 4)

Published on 04 May 2021 / In Non-profits & Activism

⁣⁣A classic from Man Woman Myth
Snagged from Failtube.

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Longshanks 3 years ago

Black supremacists use similar logic to the feminists: "black people can't be racist!".

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mrghoster 3 years ago

Is it any wonder MEN are now walking away from women and the very Gynocentric political system in drove's? Is it nay wonder MEN are increasingly Hating women, certainly mistrusting them? Gynocentrism has destroyed or innovation and production of good idea's in favor of pointless unimportant drivel. Men (The Creator's) (the Inventors) are getting to a point now where the generation's of MEN who knew how to innovate are getting old. the modern MALE is subdued and feminized to such a degree that innovation , invention, and rational logic are disappearing?

I personally service my own vehicles, repair most things regardless of what it is and buying a new one is a last resort. oi'm able to reason and think for myself. I like my own company now as well. WTF would I need something as dangerous or disruptive as a fefail around for? and before some MORON say's SEX, nope don't even need that any more. the not needing sex angle isn't because of what women look like? it's because of the inner nature of the fefailk now showing itself on the surface in way's such as many women now look like they just don't care for themselves.

women even claim that when they tart themselves up on a Saturday night it's NOT to attract MEN, it's to compete with other women, the result as we see is this Cheap Whore look, that frankly only appeals i would suggest to the low life MEN? You dangle a biscuit in front off a Dog eventually that Dog will take a bite. but then the dog is punished because the biscuit wasn't for them? women are now so different that the best thing for a MEN to do is walk away and get on with what he wants to do in life.

I promise you that is what I did and my life is great. My Money, time, and choices are purely MINE. I have NO DEBT, in fact I took money I probably would have wasted on Dating, saved it and paid cash for a brand new motorcycle! and it's a better more stable ride than any fefail and it actually get's me somewhere! It was all devised by using a simple word as well, "NO"!

So when MEN say feminism is a bad thing? well thanks to feminism leashing the TRUE nature of the fefail on the world I am now a very FREE MAN, by comparison to where I once was? Theirs an old say that say's "To be in the Rat Race, first you have to be a RAT"!

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