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I will not comply Banned from Cucktube

Published on 20 Oct 2021 / In People & Blogs

check out KDR livestream 9:30 PAC Time

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This is a US version – Adapt it and share it with the people in Australia, and other people globally.

From: (Your Name and Address)

To: (Employer Name and Address)


Demand for Cessation of Unlawful Coercion and Unlicensed Medical Practice

Dear (Employer),
Your inferred or stated "requirement" that employees accept medical treatment as a condition of employment is unlawful and constitute grounds for major remedy to employees wrongly coerced.

International law, Geneva conventions and the Nuremberg Codes, to which USA is a signator, prohibit coerced and forced medical treatments, in fact any non-consensual medical treatment/s specifically including "vaccinations". This is as treatment which may not be coerced. This is especially true of experimental vaccines and vaccines that have not had full testing processes and have thereby not been proven safe. “Covid-19” vaccines are not vaccines, are experimental, are untested, have not had standard FDA process of approval, and are not shown to be safe. Various other Constitutional and Statutory authorities also support public protection against non-consensual vaccination such as statutes covering assault, public endangerment, unauthorized and unlicensed administration and practice of medicine and fundamental freedoms and rights guaranteed under the Bill of Rights.

You have failed in the requirement to show that:
(a) You are a licensed physician.
(b) I have consented to your recommended treatments.
(c) Your treatments are fully tested and proven safe.

Having so failed, your "requirement" that I submit to your requested medical treatments are unlawful and cause for major actions against you, your company and all assigns. If you have issued any “order” or “requirement” that employees be vaccinated without their consent, I will allow one week from this delivery for you to provide a clear and binding statement retracting that position AND declaring that vaccines and medical treatments are not a condition of employment with your company. If, after that time I have not received that notice from you and/or an authorized party, you will be subject to major penalties and remedies and claim/s will be submitted.

Sincerely, (Your Signature) / 0

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Banned from Susies PooTube?

What took you so long?

Aren't you falling behind with this?

I mean who hasn't been banned by Spew Tube?

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sauger1001 3 years ago

Doubtful I'll attain "Undead Chronic" status (15x banned/suspended), but 4 was enough for me to quit using their app (which means you have to watch their ads when viewing videos or movies), and just use the Brave browser, which blocks the ads while watching the videos.

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@sauger1001: I was just thinking that such a momentous announcement of being banned by PooTube - well you would have to be about the last person on the planet to get banned... LOL Like the slow kid in the class kind of a scene... The morons running PooTube have banned SO many people, for everything... All I can say is "Oh finally - Congratulations!" - Suck them dry and use their resources up and send them to the bottom. And to show how happy I am for you, here is Nina Hagen singing "Smack Jack" - I was going to post this on Wassermans Video about the zombie Junkies in the US and A, but he has banned me - because I stood up to him and his crap...

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@InfiniteMushroom: Well except for all the REALLY great things they have deleted like content creators, channels and zillions of videos, Youtube in a sense, is a global library of the worlds events... in that sense, as a resource, it's been a good thing... but they have become EVIL.... censoring, deleting, building in BIAS, Youtube is now just outright corrupt.

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@InfiniteMushroom: I'll donate $10 to this site, if you can go for a whole month, without screeching about the fucking jews or licking Adolf Hitlers arse.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

I daily do NOT comply to a corporate Distopia, I simple don't by or acknowledge their shit. "My Head My thoughts", my only safe space right now.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: The thought is always in my mind as tyo gow to destroy the system beyond non compliance, but non compliance is better than being a brain dead sheeple that doesn't even know their is anything wrong? I'm continuously looking for individual "Loop Wholes" I can use to my advantage so I can stick up a finger to the man so to speak? I'm actually ready to advance into physical action, but doing it alone just makes you another "Nutter". This is currently a Psychological WAR, and it is "WAR". we are all being attacked for no apparent reason other than some Psychopathic assholes want to be richer I guess?

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mrghoster 3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I agree with what I could understand, but your really deep in this stuff! the Jews God looking around today must be Satan? In my view that is? UIt's early day's and we need to get our own heads sorted and hope a common thread appears en-mass? Mind you HOPE is a word I don't really subscribe to at all? wishing with HOPE is like doing nothing at all and wanting everyone or someone else to do the work for you/ i'm trying to personally get myself in a space where I can at best preempt things to come or happen and ride them out/ out of once what was loosely "Order" we now have "Chaos", but everything has a life span and one day, who knows when? Order in some form for "ALL" must return, it's like a cycle in infinity, all things must change eventually. an ordered society usually ends when dome are getting more than other's? when the chaos ends it's because there is nothging else left other than logic and a rebuilding of common sense, because if it doesn't? well who knows what will happen. I've learned to NOT FEAR death or FEAR in general. it could be construed as "Indifference" but I don't see it that way? i'll stop Now I'm getting out of my own depth! lol! no one knows the answer "YET" it floats in the mist og times to come and it's all a waiting game?

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