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I Don't Like Women with Muscles

Published on 17 Mar 2023 / In People & Blogs

The Fire Department has stopped requiring probationary firefighters to pass a job-related physical-skills test before getting hired — a move that critics derided as a lowering of standards.

The move by first-year Fire Commissioner Daniel Nigro, which allows probies to fail components of the Functional Skills Training test but still graduate from the Fire Academy, comes amid criticism of the department’s low hiring rate of women.

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NeoGeoGamer 1 year ago

It's embarrassing that something this obvious even needs to be said. The state of westerners now is ridiculous. They want to teach their daughters to shoot guns and put them in martial arts classes so they can defend themselves. If they actually wanted them to be safe, they'd prevent them from flirting and having sex, and arrange a husband for them at the earliest legal age! They want their daughters to be in danger by not being suitable for marriage, but they want them to be able to fight. Absolute western delusion.

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Rickcoona 1 year ago

I'd teach my Daughter to shoot hunt and fish as a basic survival skills... like any pioneer woman would, she would celebrate her Fenininity, instead of trying to out macho any of the guys,

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NeoGeoGamer 1 year ago

@Rickcoona: I'd teach my son to wear dresses, wear make-up, and dance. Then he'd embrace his masculinity in spite of that somehow.

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