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Hell on Earth Awaits Millennial & Gen Z Members of Antifa

Published on 28 Sep 2020 / In News & Politics

⁣For all the Millennial and Generation Z members of ANTIFA and BLM, I give you this warning that the cause you are fighting for is not your own, but that of shadowy elite interests who using your generations as pawns for their own gain. To those of you who will listen to my words I say... GET OUT NOW!

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John_Doe 4 years ago  

Here's the problem. It's a checkmate situation. Every path, save one, is a win for the anarchists / Communists / Statists with regard to the Millennial / Gen Z generation.

If they continue along their current path and are unsuccessful, they will eventually be crushed by law and order and / or by average, conservative citizens fed up with their insurgency who begin to fight back.

If they continue along their current path and are successful, they are eventually crushed beneath the jack booted heel of the totalitarian regime they help usher in.

If they renounce the violence, the insurrection, the "revolution" but do no abandon their fundamental Marxist ideology, then they vote in the totalitarian regime over time, anyway; slowly, to be sure, but it still winds up with the same outcome.

The one path available to them which reverses the scourge of cultural Marxism requires they not only reject the call to violence, but also the ideology itself. Which means voting conservative (I didn't say "Republican"; I said "conservative") with a firm commitment to upholding the principles of the Constitution. The reason this will likely never happen is because they are too far indoctrinated on the one hand and too far in debt on the other.

Even if they can overcome the indoctrination, they can't overcome the debt. That's part of what it means to be conservative: to take personal responsibility for your financial choices and see your debts repaid. It's unlikely - with compounding interest - they'll ever see their debts repaid; especially when their past association with Antifa, BLM, et al. will relegate them to low-paying jobs.

So the only choice that reverses the problem sees them facing a lifetime of crushing debt from which they will never recover while working two or three jobs at or near minimum wage just to make ends meet. And they will live like that for their entire lives. I can't imagine any of them voluntarily accepting that state of affairs.

I'm not excusing their behavior, but I can fully understand why it's preferable - from their perspective - to rage against the machine and call for it all to be burned down; erroneously believing that will solve their problems. Rage is all they have left.

And thus are our youth - the future of a nation and all the potential they represent - sacrificed on the altar of cultural Marxism. We all suffer as the tax base is destroyed and the incentive and industriousness of a generation squandered. Well played, Communists, well played.

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4 years ago

" In spite of all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage " - from the album Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness Released October 24, 1995 Written by Billy Corgen

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generation_apollo 4 years ago

Hi John, thanks for your in depth analysis of this. I can certainly understand and appreciate the level of anger that the Millennials & Gen Z are feeling and how that will make it very hard for them to renounce violence and the marxist ideology. If they are met with enough resistance, that might convince them to stop the insurrection but they’ll still harbor their anger. In order for them to both disavow violence & marxist ideology, they need to see their efforts building toward something tangible (i.e. seeing their debts reduced). But as you said, the compound interest, combined with their low-paying job prospects, will make sure that doesn’t happen. However, I don’t think they’ll be in lifelong debt because this situation is untenable in the long run. Millennials & Gen Z will eventually become the primary tax base (because the millennials are a HUGE demographic that this country can’t afford to ignore) and if they’re so indebted that they can’t afford to buy houses or even rent, then that’s not going to boast well for the future of America’s economic stability. For that reason, I predict they’ll have their debts forgiven out of necessity, and not just because of politicians pandering for votes. Sanders & Warren had already proposed some form of student loan forgiveness when they were campaigning so I imagine that some type of bailout isn’t too far off. And if politicians today don’t wipe out the debt, the Millennials & Gen Z will do that themselves once they achieve institutional power. The only question is whether they pass the debt on to the taxpayer or just tell the banks to pound sand. But if either of those happen, then this will only reinforce marxism in their minds because they’ll be convinced that government is the answer. In my opinion, I think eliminating interest on all student loans would be the best way to insure the Millennials & Gen Z repay their debts in a reasonable timeframe without resorting to a bailout on the taxpayer dime. Trump did temporarily suspend interest on federal student loans as part of covid relief. If he were to make that permanent, that would be a great first step in the right direction. Second step would be to stop federally insuring private student loans. That’s the main reason why tuition costs are so high. Colleges can charge outrageous prices for useless degrees because they know the banks will gladly finance them and the banks are willing to finance them because they know Uncle Sam will bail them out if the students ever default on the loans. Whereas if you make the banks take the risk, maybe they’ll be a lot more selective as to which degrees they choose to finance, and then colleges will adjust their costs accordingly. This would also have the added benefit of forcing colleges to prioritize degree programs that have high employment prospects over bullshit marxists studies, thus eliminating a major source of communist indoctrination.

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John_Doe 4 years ago

@Generation Apollo : I agree with your analysis. However, we're once again in a checkmate situation. I had a lengthy discussion online with someone over Scandinavian economics with the usual refutations of their claim Scandinavia should be the model for the world. They were in support of the high Scandinavian taxes taxes because, by their claim, at least the Scandinavians see a benefit through their social programs. I deconstructed their argument offering evidence of how the Scandinavian model is unsustainable, borrowing as it is from their previous capitalist surplus, and is in the stages of collapse. I also countered that we already ARE following the Scandinavian model in the USA to a degree; but we hide it. Instead of being a direct tax, we've instead passed the debt for funding the socialist agenda onto our youth in the form of greatly inflated student loans. We lock in 18 year-olds into inescapable crushing debt, the repayment of which is used to prop up a failing system, their future earnings potential mortgaged against our government's current liabilities. It's why the cost of tuition and the loans taken out to pay for it have skyrocketed in the past few years. The youth have been thrown under the bus. The government will never forgive the loans because it would lose the income it had banked on from an entire generation working its ass off its entire life to repay. Or, should it be forgiven, then the money (i.e. labor) has to come from somewhere. That's when the mask comes off, the jack boots get put on, and totalitarianism comes to America where the productive are raped of their labor, and even imprisoned in labor camps to prop up the system. Unfortunately, I see no way out of this without some suffering on someone's part somewhere. I hope I'm wrong and people with a better grasp of the economics can figure a path forward, because I can't see one that doesn't end in insurrection, revolution, civil war, or totalitarianism. I really, really want to be wrong about this.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago


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wroger_wroger 4 years ago

I want to see the rioters / terrorists mown down by snipers and peoples with automatic shot guns...

Shooting at the innocents, Shooting at the cops.....

Black Liars Matter and the Pantyfa Parasites - Just lay waste to the cunts.

We need flash mobs of armed militias, just to arrive at a riot, surround and ambush, and kill all the terrorists.

1000 terrorists, suddenly in a fight to the death, with 5000 heavily armed citizens.

This will dry this shit up real quick.

Then go after every corrupt official in the state - like the govenor, the mayor, all those who sought to defund the police, and the councilors who voted for this shit.... and ALL of the lying fucking journalists and media management who pedalled the lies and supported the communists / terrorists.

You are either a citizen of your own country, or you are a traitor.

Put a $1000 Dead or Alive bounty on their heads.

I reckon there would be plenty of people wanting to earn $500,000 a night to clean the communists out of the country.


Rioters, who like to Burn, Loot and Murder, are threatening to kill other people, while walking along roads at night - beating people to death while dragging them from their cars - are surprised when people decide to run them over, instead to stopping, and getting beaten to death....

How does this work?

Nice seat, pop corn, soft drink and a good laugh.... and replay.


"I love the sound of police truncheons cracking terrorists skulls in the morning.

You know what that is?

It's the sound of victory."



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wroger_wroger 4 years ago

Your a fastest for not agreeing with me. Mmmm OK.

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Councilof1 4 years ago

They will be the first in the camps. It always goes down that way. I'm a fan of history.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

also i don't think they will listen to your message. these kids have been corrupted since they firstly entered their schools as academia was teaching them these communist ideals. they almost got me when they preached the idea of free shit in the form of health care schooling, until i came to the understanding in how this would all work and know where it lead.

i don't want communism i don't want socialism either. i don't want to collapse, however i know we are also too late in stopping whats about to happen. because we didn't address these areas early enough in it's inception.

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John_Doe 4 years ago

No, not too late. That's part of the Communist subversion process; to sow hopelessness and despair, to give up before even having begun to fight. It's just that with each advancement along the stages of subversion - Demoralize > Destabilize > Crisis > Normalize - the reset to correct the problem becomes bloodier and bloodier. Watch this video of KGB defector, Yuri Bezmenov, deliver a lecture on the subversion process and how to reverse it:

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@John_Doe: i forgot about this video. yuri really had things down.

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