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He Was NOT Ready For That SMOKE!!!

Published on 17 Aug 2022 / In People & Blogs

Oh YEAH!!! Men came for his HEAD after that hit piece.
Search "⁣Therapist slammed for saying ‘lonely’ men need to ‘step up’ in dating."

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The average person is basically ugly - with some redeeming features - only a very few are "room stoppers" - And I have only every met one or two of them in my entire life.... So with all these women being picky, picky, "entitled cunts" - who want it all.....

Lacking character, brains and honesty is the most profound "Ugly" ever.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

I don't know anyone who makes 100,000 annual.. and I live in one of the wealthiest areas in the world.. THE wealthiest in the US.. and everyone borrowing to buy a vehicle or house or anything substantial.. the company just hires someone else.. will fire anyone who is overpaid in their opinion.. too many immigrants for any of us to make a decent living anymore,.. imo.

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

I have some acquaintances that make over six figure but these people are a lot different in their approach to life then me and I am not close to them usually, they are really serious worker bee types and their approach to life is very different then mine, I suppose it takes all sorts. Most of them have corporate or goverment jobs and have been in it a long time, they build their life around their job it is the focal point of their life. There is another kind of person I have encountered that makes over six figures and that is the small business owner, there are a few like this I know, but again, they really work a lot and don't do much outside of their business. Its kinda sad because I see them buy nice things and have a nice house but they rarely get to use their toys or enjoy their own home. Its like a catch 22 if you want to make a lot of money in my view. I do indeed agree with your sentiment, that the majority of people who outwardly appear wealthy are typically up to their eyeballs in debt. If I recall you are in florida, there are a lot of big fish down there with old money, a lot of the people have a lot of money before they even moved down there and they are living off of investments in a lot of cases.

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

and there is some truth that immigrants have really damaged the lower end of the job market, where in the path the native youth would begin working at a part time low wage job to start climbing the ladder, its as if the first three or four rungs of the ladder have been knocked off by a constant influx of migrant workers that have now put a permanent downward pressure on wages on the lower half of jobs due to an overabundance of available labor. The government isn't doing anything to stop it either.

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

i think the economic pressures associated with living in the big cities in the western world now have a sort of filtering effect on the type of person that is best suited to adapt to this urban environment and thrive. They are these types of people that are very NPC like that are really limited in the area of critical thought yet highly talented and skilled in certain limited areas that are in demand. They also for the most part have to be happy with a very blue pilled lifestyle. Then of course you have the lower end workers that have adapted by now inhabiting like 10-15 people to a house. Look around the middle and low range neighborhoods with single family homes in the major metro areas of the US and you will notice there are a lot of cars in the driveway now, this is because there is a lot of people living there now. The apartment complexes are essentially now turning into state sanctioned welfare shantytowns slowly but surely. I have seen some entire hotels converted into homeless shelters now near me. Its getting weird out there as the power concentrates upward.

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

sorry for the long winded comments. I guess what I am driving at, is that now, to adjust to living in the modern western city, I feel you must embrace mental illness, hedonism, drug use, over-socialization, and a slave like existence. It is essentially dehumanizing in itself to make these adaptations, thus, you get all of these bizarre behaviors that we are now seeing come about in the modern world. How crazy must a society be to encourage behaviors that lead to very destruction of said society, and come up with elaborate explanations as to why these incompatible behaviors are good? Thus look at the bizarre leaders that have come about. The circus that our government has turned into is representative of the type of people who inhabit the modern western city.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I made over 100 grand net anmnual in '97, '98 and '99.. IMMIGRANTS getting free money through our banking system as mortgage refis destroyed the market in my industry.. and THEY ARE DOING EVERYTHING not just low level jobs.. the catholics are helping them.. in all ways. .imo.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

Do you remember the bank bailout of 2008?? well that was in response to all the misallocated capital given primarily to immigrants imo.. where I live.. like 2 million to a cleaning lady who only bought 700,000 in houses.. and ended up owing 2 million.. drove a new escalade she paid cash for.. borrowed on the apprecioation.. in case you don't know how the immugrants passed up Americans far and wide..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: OUR BANKS showed unwavering bias in helping foreigners to our country at a cost to Americans.. in all ways.. even national debt. .THIS IS A FACT!

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: call it colonialism, globalism , or outright invasion and theft.. the arabs in miami did not out perform their American counterparts.. our country is being systematically given to them.. spanish arabic slave trader people..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I've heard wealthy catholic faggits claim these forreign invaders are good catholic family people.. well, ,can't they be that in their own country????????? it's goidam theft alright.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

because we don't have borders or a sovereign money... we Americans are being overthrown..

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

@jim bennett: Jim I really have not seen an illegal immigrant with no papers get a c-suite job or get into a job which essentially requires highly specialized training or a degree. They also cannot get jobs that require security clearance, or basically any job working directly for the government. I agree it has depressed wages, and immigration is used to manipulate the housing market by influencing demand as well. Sadly I have seen a lot of Christian based organizations helping illegal immigrants and really taking a liberal stance towards things but look at what the pope says. I agree that we just need to get back to sensible enforcement of thr laws that are already in place but I hate to say it I think it's too late to fix things now.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 years ago

I swear my mom used to read that rag in the '70's.. without going into it she did some of the craziest shit I could imagine.. I am done with her.. batshit crazy with no regard for her own children.. she should have been locked up.. She had a subscription to that magazine.. lol Psychology Today.. lol

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Councilof1 2 years ago

Solitary doesn't equal lonely. The desperation from women is so thick you can cut it with a knife. I'm good I have no worries. For the record the loneliest guy's I've met tended to be married men.

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GhostPlodderES 2 years ago

Absolutely, find yourself married to a coward feminist liar.

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Wolf_joseph 2 years ago

you women are not worthy for a man's time, money, effort, resources, and genes

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