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Hang on! Portugal should now pay REPARATIONS for slavery Redacted w Natali and Clayton Morris

14 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 02 May 2024 / Im Nachrichten & Politik

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Should Portugal pay reparations for its role in the slave trade? That is what President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa said last week, prompting a heated debate. Joining me to discuss is Alexandre Guerrero, a Portuguese and political scientist.

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WMHarrison94 25 Tage vor

Well, kill those lying fucks trying to say and teach your kids white guilt. It only ends with that. These lying Saranic agents need to be sent to Hell to join their Lord and Devil..

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Jaygo 30 Tage vor

1st of all, there is a MAJOR difference between slavery and Chattel Slavery.. For those who don't understand the difference, Slavery is like selling a prostitute. kidnapping her and raping her and setting her free. Chattel slavery is like, taking a normal woman who's not a prostitute, Kidnapping her, raping her for the rest of her life. Breeding her and taking the children she give birth to and selling to others to do what they want to them in a cyclical manner. Again, it's a MAJOR difference between the 2...Anyone who participated in Slavery should pay reparations..However, Anyone who participated in Chattel slavery. That is a crime beyond something just reparations can fix. I also must point out. I find this report very Ironic.. Given the fact that is was so called Jews who completely dominated the Global slave trade industry. It is so called Jews who are the giving their point of view of whether reparations should be paid or not.

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WMHarrison94 25 Tage vor

Well, that's just marriage according to retarded feminist...

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TripeSwing 1 Monat vor

The Rothschilds should be the ones paying reparations, to everyone else. Let's make a meme about that!

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TripeSwing 1 Monat vor

Who woulda guessed that Jesus' role upon returning would be a litigious one?

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