
Guns - Darwin awards

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gepubliceerd op 24 Nov 2023 / In vermaak

Did you know a luckycharm can protect u from a bullet? trust me bro..

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pathologicalimbicile 7 maanden geleden  

Music: Humanity's Last Breath

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sauger1001 7 maanden geleden

I remember back in the '70s, watching on "ABC's Wide World Of Sports", a man catch a bullet... with his teeth. Apparently, the number of people trying to imitate that feat in a variety of ways (except in the movies; Lol!), isn't working so well.

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 7 maanden geleden

Anything harder than tinned peaches and ice cream is a fucking bad idea... Fuck Me.... X ( - Did you see the Trains - Darwin Awards? - It caused me to permanently overload after seeing the concentrated stupidity.... It's hard to watch anything that is pure fucking dumb any more... https://www.mgtow.tv/v/L6aLzo

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sauger1001 7 maanden geleden

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Saw the video. Tragically, it was difficult NOT to laugh. Still felt bad afterwards. SMH.

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 7 maanden geleden

@sauger1001: I used to work on trains - welding and all that - locomotives and rolling stock and not so much suburban passenger electric trains... but like I am not hysterically frightened of them, but there is a very real hands on understanding, that if you get in their way, they smash you like a house brick hitting a mosquito... And these people if the loco is 1 meter wider than the tracks, allowing for wind and suction and all that but at low speed, you need to maintain a distance of 2 meters from the tracks, and 5 meters or more, if it's going fast.... and these people are standing a meter away from the track and leaning in towards the track, so the train coming up behind them, is properly in their selfie and "Fucking Whack" - they are bags of pulverised bone, getting smashed off to one side... and I wonder if they ever though about measuring up the the width of the train... train track to edge of railway platform... BEFORE going anywhere near the train tracks... OR asking the driver of a stationary train - hey can I take a selfie etc... When you stand on the track in front of the locomotives - they are fucking HUGE.... and the front plates are like 32mm thick steel... They punch holes through stalled trucks on level crossings... You have seen what happens to people, they get chewed up and cut up and broken up..... and the cunts just walk across the tracks - without looking either way... Fuck.

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Shrike777 7 maanden geleden

And the IQ of the world rose ever so slightly.

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 7 maanden geleden

1 minute 34 seconds in..... The fucking stupid. It overwhelmed me.


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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 7 maanden geleden

Jesus fuck.... me and me old man went hunting around a giant dam and the water rises and falls seasonally.... Kind of.... and a pine tree had grown up in the cleared earth area, over some 10 or 15 years and then been submerged and then the water levels dropped way down again...
So there was this pine tree, or the trunk of it... the timber wasn't soft and rotten, but it would be about the same as your store bought lower strength pine....

So I lifted the double barrel 12 gauge shot gun, aimed at the truck that would have been about 28cm in diameter, and fired, and not exactly straight on, but the gun took out a whole sort of tube of pine, straight out of the tree trunk...

And I thought, "Jesus no wonder people are so shit frightened of sawn off shot guns in armed robberies". - which was a style and weapons of choice, of the bank robbers of the time.

Basically it's a hole about 30mm in diameter in the front of you and a hole about 120 - 150mm in diameter, out the back of you..... and a neat conic of vacant space on the way through.

Bad news.

Then I look at these stupid cunts playing obviously dangerous games with guns...

I just shake my head.....

Maybe I was a smart kid who did things to understand how they worked and made the mental notes and then made decisions accordingly...

These cunts appear to have no fucking brains at all.

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Councilof1 7 maanden geleden

The last one was funny and a good lesson for kid. I bet he won't forget it. I'm also willing to bet he'll never point another gun at himself.

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