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Groundwork For The Metaphysics of MGTOW: On The Genealogy of Social Justice Warriors - MGTOW

21 vistas
Publicado en 29 Dec 2023 / En Sin fines de lucro y activismo
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The person who made this video, have done a poor job of their use of the microphone and the audio levels.

The microphone is in direct line with their mouth - the way the air comes out, so it gets all the pops.

The audio level is SO poor, or so low, that I have my audio up full on the video, and that is being fed into a 40W amplifier, which is also turned up full, and I can barely hear it over a quiet room fan.....

Yet I am sitting about 2 meters away from the amplifier.

I hate people who do a piss poor job on their own audio..... It's the principle method of their communication and they fuck it up so bad, that it does not work and they never make the effort to check it, and compare it with other similar works.....

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NerokeFive 4 meses hace

Yeah, usually he did a better job on the audio. I noticed that too

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@NerokeFive: Yeah everything was turned up full - full volume... could hardly even hear it.... and I live in a place that is dead quiet too.... I like to emphasise to other guys the need to review their work and get it up to scratch, before they upload stuff, because this is "Their Product" - and if it's unuseable - then what is the point? AND I could download it, split off the audio track, boost it like all fuck... and then delete the sound out of the original video and then add the boosted track to that, and then re-upload it.... but the improper use of the microphone drives me insane... so I won't. Video: audacity remove pop + https://manual.audacityteam.or....g/man/tutorial_click ------ https://support.audacityteam.o....rg/repairing-audio/r

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