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Grim's Hentai Corner: Bible Black Pt. 3: Putting A Curse On The School Swim Team!

227 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 01 Mar 2022 / Im Spiel

Game: Bible Black

Warning: This chapter and the next go pretty deep into the occult, so if you're not interested in that material due to religious reasons, I understand not being interested in reading further with me.

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WMHarrison94 2 Jahre vor

Where was this game from? JAST? You got me interested. You said it was an old game? As someone also in the occult, there are elements I recognize, which suggest a too uncanny realism, but there are things I had not known. I do stay away from Black Magic though; it possesses you or likely the demon you bind or enslave to do you bidding does. I hope this was not a recruitment item for opening the rabbit hole. I do know the demonists use orgies and sex with women or kids to lure men to join.

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

This game is abandonware. You'll find it easily online by searching for it. The rights holder is Fakku, but they are sitting on the rights.

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

Also, none of that is true. The word demon derives from the Greek "daemon" meaning government. Essentially, they're just old energies that were demonized by the church. One way to get people to stop worshipping things you don't want them to is to turn them into hideous demons. The church was good at that. Remember that several of the earliest churches were merely converted pagan temples. They basically said, "if you give up your gods and worship ours, we'll let you keep your feasts." Nobody really had a problem with that and many old gods were just turned into saints. So you can still pray to the God of luck, he's just a Saint now. Also, consider shintoism which has 22,000 gods and I don't recall much demonism there. As a longtime former practitioner (though I still dabble here and there) you only get what you put into it. If you expect to summon a hideous demon, that's what you'll get. That's what the universe shows you. But if you come to it with respect for what you're dealing with, you'll get something more. Even The Key Of Solomon was very clear about this. That's also why the regents are called. Those are guardians. We're talking about another plane of existence here. It's like walking into someone's house from another culture. You need to treat them with respect. If you don't, they won't be happy about it. Remember who is in control and that the biggest enemy you will face is your own mind and imagination.

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

Grant Morrison said it best. "If you visualize Pinhead, you're gonna see him."

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

And adding to modern occult silliness, there are people who have summoned Batman and Harry Potter. I've even seen Fresh Prince Of Bel Air tarot spreads, which had me laughing uncontrollably.

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WMHarrison94 2 Jahre vor

@Grim Lords Games And Rants: Not totally true. Demon today derives from Latin Daimonia the skilled ones. This was translated from Greek into Latin. Greek was used in the New Testament. In the Gospels, it was the word used by Christ.

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WMHarrison94 2 Jahre vor

@Grim Lords Games And Rants: I was under the impression that olomon

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WMHarrison94 2 Jahre vor

Fuck. that Solomon commanded demons when building the temple of God or Synagogue through his "ring of power" or something. I believe that is where Tolkien drew inspiration for the rings of power.

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WMHarrison94 2 Jahre vor

@Grim Lords Games And Rants: I think there maybe some Hebrew mixed in since the early Church and the well fourteen Apostles counting Mary Magdalene (the wife I believe) and Judas' replacement. I believe Magdalene was married to Christ and that he traveled with women otherwise the Romans , cavalry especially, would have slain them as zealots-- the Iscariots or "Rebel Jews." Women were "shit" back then and were not mentioned unless important like bloodline princesses or queens, but they even included where she was from Magdal. Add in that the Gospel refers to the believe disciple in the feminine (those languages' words were separated into masculine and feminine genders with Latin also having a neuter gender or neutral or neither.) I can believe this is made up because (Black ) magic incantations do not included Bible verses usually. Since Christ was from David's bloodline, his wife would also need to be (Hebrew) nobility , And there's the fact that some first century AD writings refer to her as companion, which in those days as the feminie form meant "wife." The Council of Nice tried to minimize his humanness but as a faithful practicing Jew, Christ was required to marry much like the Muslims today. Even the rabii had wives.

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WMHarrison94 2 Jahre vor

My main point was those fourteen Apostles were all Jewish Christians and even Christ's brother James who became a Christian leader after the Ascension.

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WMHarrison94 2 Jahre vor

@WMHarrison94: I meant "Beloved disciple" in the feminine refers to his wife Mary Magdalene. Da Vinci's Code by Brown was based on this "radical" theory in the 70s, but close analysis to language shows the different gendered words. Sometimes, the simplest explanation is the best... sometimes though. Thanks for the initial response Grim Lord (though I think I was also confusing you with Grin Lord.) I tried finding a YT page of yours with no luck.

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