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Florida Is Waging War On The Lower Class

Published on 31 Jan 2023 / In Travel & Events

What the heck is happening in Florida??

I spent three weeks driving around Florida in the spring of 2022. If there’s a theme for that trip, it would be change, change, change. New homes, more people, and everything is just better!

If you’ve lived in Florida for a long time, you’re probably sick of all the newcomers. Seems like the gig is up. After Texas, this is the most popular place for people to move.

So I’m going to take you on my journey through Florida, beginning with where I started, in the panhandle. I’ll show you small beach towns, rednecks, ghettos big fancy new homes - all of it. And since politics is the biggest thing on people’s minds now, that’ll be the focus.

#florida #realestate

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This channel is about America!

The best video on this topic!

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KEEPER 1 year ago  

Here's the 720p version.

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Lucifer333 1 year ago

Not gonna lie, I hate rednecks, large part of my Dutch family is redneck and if they died of cancer I would have to try really hard not to tap dance

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Toki 1 year ago

Better company than ghetto rap folks. Or snobby aristocrats.

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Lucifer333 1 year ago

Southern people, nice folks, poor as fuck though, they all hate school and become skilled worker

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Lucifer333 1 year ago

Gentrification , sucks for the homebois, it is what it is

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Is this you in the video?
Or was it someone else?

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KEEPER 1 year ago

not me, i stole this guys videos from here. https://www.youtube.com/@NickJohnson

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KEEPER 1 year ago

at this point, every state in America outside of the libtard ones loves Desantis, they all envey what he has done and want the same things Florida has in their states.

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Toki 1 year ago

I don't trust or respect any fag who wears a business suit and makeup who steals from the poor. He doesn't work anywhere, he's a criminal just like the other side. He may be one of the least evils of the great evils, but he's still a thief exploiting working men to buy women's favor. I do respect the elderly person or new 16 year old wage slave who's working at my local grocery store or something. All Gov is a scam.

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